How to Visualize Making a Million Dollars or Any Goal

“Here’s one of the biggest most common mistakes people make when visualizing money (money affirmations) or any goal…”

Visualization through visual imagery is an effective and proven way to communicate both abstract and concrete ideas…

How to eliminate one critical factor sabotaging your success.

Why you’ve been taught to do visualization which will NEVER work.

See how to “turn off” self doubt…

A powerful way to unlock you feeling trapped…

How to get unstuck from endless loops, what to do about it…

Click PLAY below, it’s definitely worth you watching right now.

Here’s how to prove you can visualize and crank-up your power of deliberate success!

What is the power of visualization?

What is a visualization technique?

How do you visualize your goals?

What’s your subconscious success trigger and how to get instant access?

Only a few minutes of your time to gain immeasurable results.

Is it easier to catch a whale using harpoon or a net?

You want to fill your tank first and refuel yourself emotionally…

Visualization it is how that same mental framework or thought process can make or break your business or body weight training success…

Using positive memories to edit results.

And reactivate successful moments from your past!


In fact, you can leverage a simple yet powerful state of mind.

And when aligned primes your mental power for amazing success.

Visualization is just one framework you can consistently rely on.

You’ve been watching hard-core American Zen truths with best-selling author renegade and iconoclast Matt Furey…

Matt Furey contributing author of 35-million copy best-seller.

Psycho-Cybernetics and combat conditioning...
bodyweight training

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Testosterone Boosting Smoothie Recipe with Powerful Belly Fat Burning Fast

Best ALL Natural (Raging Bull) Smoothie to Boost Testosterone Levels Through the Roof with Powerful Belly Fat Burning Knockout…

You might be thinking “how to lose belly fat in a week”…

And boost testosterone levels all at the same time.

Actually it’s an opportunity to work with your body’s most powerful hormone.

And get high powered fat shredding results.

You see, this healthy smoothie is one of the easiest ways to do both.

Simply use this recipe to achieve your desired transformation…

Want to boost testosterone, increase muscle mass, strength and lose belly fat.

As you already know consistency in bodyweight training…

And motivation is key to success.

You want to make sure you’re focused with motivation to continue training.

Whether it’s health and fitness, building muscle, whatever you’re looking for…

The only way to fail is to give up!

Success and motivation is related to what you eat and how you think.

Nutrition plays a crucial role is how much testosterone your body produces.

While there are many other factors involved which contributes to the bigger picture…

Make no mistake about it the types of foods you eat matters.

Eat the wrong type of food…

And you can kiss your testosterone levels goodbye.

We all know eating for optimal performance can be a real challenge.

Feel free to list your biggest roadblocks or barriers in comments below…

The question is how can you possibly handle it all?

Meal preparations and eating, along with everything else in life requires a plan right?

And if you feel overwhelmed, don’t worry you aren’t alone…

Many people feel overwhelmed and stressed.

And stress is what causes many people to just give up.

So, who’s turn is it to toss in the towel today?

What’s one of the best ways to ensure you are not going to give up…

You want to feed your body and mind optimal nutrition.

The simplest and most powerful can be a smoothy.

Smoothies are a fast and effective way to absorb and nourish your whole body.

Some people make the common costly mistake of using too much soy based foods.

Soy in the right doses are good for women, but not ideal for men…

You see, soy could interfere with men’s testosterone levels.

And there’s plenty of research to back up this claim.

As a result, estrogen levels increase in the body, which isn’t good for men.

If you’re a male and you choose to use to consume soy products…

You may be doing yourself more harm than good.

Low testosterone levels isn’t going to help your body.

You could find it’s difficult to get critical amino acids.

And it could take much longer to recover from exercise.

You want to maintain optimal hormonal levels as this is key.

Okay, I trust you to get the point of why it is important to your health.

Testosterone Boosting Fat Burning Smoothie…

testosterone boosting smoothie recipe

This smoothie contains a powerful blend of carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats.

If you want to really see the best overall testosterone boosting results.

You want to include all of the crucial macros in your diet without question.

Too many people choose to either not consume fats or carbs.

Ultimately they don’t get to experience the transformations they want…

Have you noticed your testosterone levels are low or becoming suppressed?

Maintaining healthy thyroid is responsible for regulating your metabolism.

Testosterone Boosting Fat Burning Smoothie recipe (500 calories of goodness):

  • ½ cup of raw or steamed kale
  • 1/2 cup baby spinach
  • 1 overripe banana (dark blemish on skin)
  • 2 to 3 brazil nuts (crushed or diced)
  • 2 teaspoons of raw cacao powder
  • 1 cup fresh organic blueberries
  • ½ large ripened avocado
  • 1 cup organic coconut milk
  • 1 organic whole raw egg (yoke & white)
  • 1 teaspoon of organic extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of cod liver oil
  • 1 teaspoon hemp seed oil (or seeds)
  • 1 teaspoon flaxseed oil (or seeds)
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut cream
  • 1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds
  • 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon of spirulina (seaweed flakes)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper
  • (adjust texture to your preference with water / coconut water)

Add all ingredients to blender…

Pulse blend until desired consistency is reached.

The research behind this smoothie is based on micro and macro nutrients.

Including phytonutrients, flavonoids, healthy fats and protein.

All these ingredients help take your energy…

And vitality to a whole new level.

Personally, I drink this smoothie two times per week.

I started about 12 years ago and continued to test and refine.

The goal was to find optimal intake of nutrients via nutrition.

Natural benefits of Testosterone Boosting Fat Burning Smoothie

The cacao is loaded with vital antioxidants to help protect cells from free radical damage.

Also contains healthy dose of magnesium and l-arginine.

These helps promote increased hormonal production.

And thyroid hormonal stability which helps metabolism.

Avocado provides healthy fats to help support hormones.

And reduce risks of heart disease or stroke.

You’ll discover testosterone boosting fat burning smoothie delivers a knockout punch…

testosterone boosting smoothie recipe

Estrogen is the enemy of testosterone…

Still cortisol may be its greatest enemy.

And one of the causes of increased cortisol levels comes from increased stress.

So if you’re constantly worrying and stressed out.

Find time to eat properly, meditate and put life into perspective…

This smoothie provides a good dose complex carbohydrates for maximum energy.

Also helps to boost and sustain healthy libido levels.

Blueberries provide RDI of fiber (4 grams), Vitamin C (24%), Vitamin K (36%), Manganese (25%)

You’ll also get powerful dose of zinc, which is beneficial for testosterone production.

Kale helps to counteract estrogen, ensuring testosterone levels are maximized.

If you want to enjoy boosting testosterone to levels higher give this smoothie a shot.

Remember you’ll also get added benefits of burning belly fat…

Testosterone Boosting Smoothie Recipe

Single Arm Plank Variations – Clap Push Up

How Many Clap Push Ups Can You Do…

Maybe you’re still struggling to do a single clap push-up?

Let’s start with what muscle groups do push ups work.

Push-ups are at the top of list for bodyweight exercises and for good reason.

Push-ups are one of the best compound, full bodyweight exercises you can perform.

Push-ups work nearly every muscle of upper body from chest, back, triceps, shoulders…

And biceps to entire core, quads and to some degree even glutes.

plank variations

Performing standard push ups, the following muscles are targeted:

  • Chest muscles (pectorals)
  • Shoulders (deltoids)
  • Back of arms (triceps)
  • Abdominals (core)
  • Lats (latissimus dorsi)
  • Muscles under armpit (serratus anterior)

Ever heard the phrase, “hand clap push-ups are a hard nut to crack?”

Ha, ha, if some people could be so lucky…

Let’s add one element of challenge to this awesome bodyweight exercise.

This plank variation doubles the intensity.

Difficulty level goes up because you’re going to hold position with one arm at your side.

To stay parallel to the floor you’ll have to stabilize through your shoulders…

And center in an isometric exercise which pushes you far beyond you ever could.

Got it? So, you’ll be catching your body with single arm plank…

Not only does this require significant shoulder stability and upper body strength.

This exercise requires you to focus and engage higher level of anti-rotation…

As well as anti-extension of your torso.

As a result, you’ll be forced to intensely activate all the musculature around your core.

Including hips in order to keep your balance and maintain proper body alignment.

The key is proper spinal alignment throughout and not losing postural positioning.

Are you ready to get started…

Simply place your hands at shoulder width.

And spread your feet 1-2 feet apart.

Get into a regular pushup position.

Keep your core tight and chest out.

Slowly lower yourself down.

As you reach bottom position of push up…

Pause by holding 1-2 second isometric contraction.

Your body should be positioned above floor (without actually touching).

While maintaining rigid core and proper body alignment…

Launch yourself into air as explosively as possible.

At the same time, rapidly clap your hands together.

Now, you won’t be landing on two hands.

You’ll want to quickly pull one arm to your side while in mid-air.

And catch yourself in the top position of single arm push up plank.

It’s important to to avoid hyperextending elbow joint when landing.

Focus on bracing your core to avoid any body rotation or loss of balance.

plank variations

Clap push-ups offers you the challenge of adding in an explosive plyometric movement to your push-up.

And actually gets your upper body burning and fatigued very fast.

Remember to start in plank position and perform a full push-up.

Instead of simply pressing back up and extending your arms…

Use your upper body strength to explode upwards, clapping your hands as you move upwards.

Catch yourself as you lower again (careful not to lock your elbows)

Then get back into the next repetition.

The clap push-up is truly a unique bodyweight exercise…

You’re challenging muscle fibers with rapid, explosive contractions.

While facing fatigue as it builds during longer-rep sets.

These types of plank variations builds power, adds muscle to chest, triceps and shoulders.

Most people performing these plank variations (single-arm plank with clap push-up)…

Typically do it wrong with cervical hyperextension and tilting of their head up.

This places more strain on neck and excessive tension on lumbar spine by causing hips to sag.

Focus on keeping a tall and elongated neck throughout the exercise.

Plank Variations