“Why Low Testosterone Might Be Linked To Possible Heart And Health Problems In Men?”

Could low testosterone be negatively affecting your manhood, strength and power?

The study didn’t explain how hormone levels contribute to disease, find out in 30 Seconds or less…

Check out the simple questionnaire below…

Can help you identify and rate for low testosterone levels with 80% accuracy.

The study is called the ADAM Test – (Androgen Deficiency in Aging Males).

Dear Friend,

You can take the ADAM test for yourself (just 30 seconds or less).

Find out low testosterone causes and low testosterone symptoms in men.

Knowing how you rate can mean the difference between suffering indignities of…

Man boobs…

Sagging muscles…

Beer belly…

Brain fog…

Constant fatigue…

Want to knock 20 years off your age?

Want to maximize fat loss enjoy flat belly and better life?

Which do you choose?

low testosterone

Please feel free to take 30 seconds to answer 9 simple questions…

1. Do You Have a Decrease in Libido (sex drive)?

Yes / No

2. Do You Have a Lack of Energy?

Yes / No

3. Do You Have a Decrease in Strength and/or Endurance?

Yes / No

4. Have You Lost Height?

Yes / No

5. Have You Noticed a Decreased “Enjoyment of Life?”

Yes / No

6. Are You Sad and/or Grumpy?

Yes / No

7. Are Your Erections Less Strong?

Yes / No

8. Have You Noted a Recent Deterioration in Your Ability to Play Sports?

Yes / No

9. Are You Feeling Drowsy and Falling Asleep After Dinner?

Yes / No

How did you score?

Answering YES on question 1 or 7 indicates you may have low testosterone levels.

low testosterone

Answering YES on any three questions indicates you may have low testosterone levels.

Is it time to take charge of your manhood for looking and feeling great?

Men with low testosterone may have a slightly increased risk of developing…

Or dying from heart disease according to a new study.

Researchers analyzed studies of testosterone levels…

And cardiovascular disease published between 1970 and 2013.

Testosterone is a male sex hormone involved in.

Sex drive…

Sperm production…

Bone health…

Over time, low testosterone may contribute to an increase in body fat.

And a loss of muscle bulk and body hair.

The study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism…

Showed increasing evidence between low testosterone levels and heart disease.

But did not establish a cause-and-effect relationship between low testosterone in men and heart disease risk.

Among other findings were the following:

Treatment with testosterone-replacement therapy did not improve heart health.

There was little evidence of a link between low testosterone and atherosclerosis…

The hardening and narrowing of the arteries that can cause heart attack and stroke.

There was no connection between testosterone levels and heart attack risk.

“When we reviewed existing research into testosterone and cardiovascular disease a growing body of evidence suggested a modest connection between the two.”

Study lead author Dr. Johannes Ruige of Ghent University Hospital in Belgium, said in a journal news release.

“A specific [disease process] did not come forward, but perhaps less frequently investigated events may play a role, such as thrombosis, where a blood clot develops in the circulatory system, or arrhythmia, where there is a problem with the heart beat or rate.”

“Based on current findings, though, we cannot rule out that low testosterone and heart disease both result from poor overall health,” he added.

Additional research is needed to confirm relationship between the two conditions…

“Gaps still remain in our understanding of low testosterone and cardiovascular disease,” Ruige said.

“Ultimately, the goal is to more accurately assess the impact testosterone substitution therapy may have on the heart health of men who qualify for the treatment.”

Ruige said a growing number of older and middle-aged men are being prescribed testosterone-replacement therapy, but there is debate about whether the practice is too widespread.

Click here to learn more about low testosterone…

Low Testosterone Causes

Published by Body Weight Training

Success doesn’t come without it's price and challenges. We often face difficult problems, overcome and tackle every obstacle head-on. We face distractions, wrong or bad advice. The struggles, and wasted time ends up holding us back. Hi, my name is John Mignano. This isn't another course. It's ongoing, and updated based on real-world experience and battle-tested strategies. Hopefully you'll explore and fill the gaps about functional fitness. Why some protocols work and most don’t. I'll show you how to train using tools I've developed, mindset, intensity, and ways to improve using different exercises to spark success with sustainable results. You decide for yourself…

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