Nutrition – The Truth About Fat Burning Foods

“The Lies and Hidden Secret Keeping You Fat…”

Today’s we uncover nutrition facts, nutrients, fat burning foods…

What foods help burn belly fat?

Are there really foods that burn fat?

Which foods increase metabolism and burn fat?

How can I increase my metabolism naturally?

Are you destined to die too soon or do you have a death sentence?

Is bacon, nitrates and saturated fat really unhealthy?

Are these unhealthy foods actually making you fatter or are they the best fat burning foods you can eat?

There’s lots of fear around eating fatty foods like bacon…

Do you honest feel saturated fats clog up your arteries and make you fat?

Keep reading this eye-opening article…

What you’re about to see right in front of your eyes are big fat lies exposed.

Listen, most people believe they have to avoid bacon.

This long list includes many other cured meats like deli ham and hot dogs.

Global Food Conglomerates…

And many nutritionists have misled you.

They have convinced you into believing these common foods are deadly.

Amazing marketing manipulation right?

These 3 dirty little food lies can age you faster.

And STOP your body from burning fat.

If you are interested in reading the short article below…

You can stop being scammed into buying.

And eating the wrong fat storing ingredients.

What you’re about to read goes against the grain.

It is often considered highly controversial.

Because it is not mainstream diet and nutrition industry endorsed.

So it will probably be the exact opposite of what you’ll hear.

You’ll never get this info from your dietician, family doctor…

And almost all the old school nutritionists or personal trainers out there.

These 3 blatant food lies stop you from choosing the right fat-burning foods.

When you go shopping for foods at the grocery store…

You are most likely buying into the lies (over and over again).

This is precisely why you can’t help your body from losing fat.

Once you stop buying into these nutrition myths…

You would be able to switch your diet from fat-storing foods.

You’d see and know which are healthy fat-burning foods…

While you “turn on” your body’s fat-burning switch.

The healthy choices are accumulated with each and every bite.

Below, you’ll find all 3 food lies…

Discover an easy and delicious way to “fix” your broken diet.

Understand how to keep your body in fat burning mode 24 hours a day.

All while eating more of your favorite foods.

Food Lie #1:

“Nitrites” In Bacon Are Dangerous?

I know… It can be a complicated subject.

In fact, most consumers fear nitrites.

The plan is to use this fear to create demand.

Companies have started selling “nitrite-free” products in grocery stores.

After all…

Even the Mayo Clinic says sodium nitrite increase risks of heart disease.

OH no, it’s another food scam right?

In reality!

Vegetables contain more naturally occurring nitrites than processed meats.

Just one serving of arugula contains more nitrite than 467 hot dogs…

Saliva (i.e. spit) contains about 70-90% of your nitrite exposure.

But wait, it actually gets even WORSE…

Instead of being cured with sodium nitrite.

Nitrite-free meats are cured with celery salt.

And guess what?

Celery salt gets transformed into nitrites during the curing process.

In plain English…

The “nitrite-free” meats contain way more nitrites than regular version!

Look, none of this matters. Why?

Because studies show nitrites do not accumulate inside the body.

And are quickly flushed out in the urine.

The bottom line:

If you’re paying more for “nitrite-free” meats?

You’re being misled (read: scammed).

Food Lie #2:

Saturated Fats Cause Heart Attacks!

This is where most people will shake their head in utter confusion.

The truth is:

Saturated fat is not unhealthy or fattening.

And doesn’t cause heart disease.

Facts don’t lie:

A meta-analysis published in 2011 used data from 21 studies.

And included nearly 348,000 adults.

They found no difference in the risks of heart disease.

And stroke between people with the lowest…

And highest intakes of saturated fat.

The Tokelau, Masai, Inuit tribes consume 50% or more of saturated fat.

And report superior cardiovascular health.

Breast milk contains 50% saturated fat.

Do you really think this clogs newborns’ arteries?

Countless studies now clearly show saturated fats…

Have nothing to do with heart disease and sickness.

Refined oils, trans fats, processed foods and sugar DO.

And that is just to name a few.

One of the dozens of fat burning food myths I reveal on the next page.

Food Lie #3:

Salt Is “Unhealthy” and Causes High Blood Pressure?

The 3rd reason most people fear bacon.

And other delicious cured meats is because of all the added salt.

Here’s the REAL truth:

The fear of salt went mainstream in the 1960s when Lewis Dahl revealed his study results supposedly “proved” salt causes hypertension.

He forced them to eat the human equivalent of 500 grams of sodium a day.

This dosage caused high blood pressure in rats.

Do you consume 500 grams of sodium per day?

The average daily sodium intake for Americans age 2 years…

And older is 3,436 mg.

That is 145 times lower than the amount this study used…

More than 40 years later…

Well after the CDC, FDA and all the other clueless organizations started demonizing salt.

Not ONE single study has ever proven salt causes hypertension.


Because it doesn’t.

The irony?

Avoiding salt can actually lead to insulin resistance.

And increased risks of stroke and heart attacks

Listen, you already know all about this if you had just read about my solution found on the next page.

Uncover 582 MORE Studies Revealing The REAL TRUTH About The Health Foods You Buy And Eat…

If you’re sick and tired of being fed a bunch of nutrition lies…

Just like I was.

Yes, I have some great news for you.

I’ve created the ultimate 24 hour diet “makeover” to rid your kitchen of all these fat-storing foods.

While showing you exactly how to replace with nutrient-dense, healthy fat-burning foods.

All in less than one day.

It’s based on more than 582 independent studies.

Studies from the top medical journals on the planet…

The evidence can’t be denied.

You already know we are all being lied to about fat burning foods.

It is al designed to manipulate what we buy and eat…

And I’m here to help you put it all into perspective.

Perhaps it will put an end to this diet madness?

If you want to look and feel fantastic?

Remember it always starts with your mindset and attitude to life.

And the decisions you make about the foods you eat.

Yes, it starts in the kitchen.

After all, nutrition is responsible for 82% (or more) of your fat loss results.

Now is the time to get educated.

Learn the real truth about fat burning foods.

Simply go to the next page to find out more.

It’s proven, it’s effective and it works.

It’s one of the fastest ways to transform your body and health.

You probably have a kitchen full of fat storing foods right?

What would it feel like to turn your kitchen into fat burning confidence?

Whereby the foods you choose are helping you to burn fat.

This 24 hour diet makeover is one of the surest.

And easiest ways to get a flat, attractive belly.

In fact, let’s add six pack abs faster without strict, complicated diets.

And you aren’t going to buy outrageously expensive organic groceries.

In fact, once you uncover the so-called “healthy” foods inside your kitchen that STOP your body from burning fat…

You’ll confidently be able to improve all aspects of your life.

You’d be able to create your own fat burning kitchen for starters.

Loaded with foods that help you make healthier choices.

Imagine stubborn belly fat melting away.

This could be your body’s daily “go-to” energy source.

All you have to do is discover the easiest way to transform your kitchen.

And fix your slow fat-loss.

You’ll can do it in less than 24 hours.

Remember this isn’t another quick fix.

No it is not another diet where you’ll end up being sold out.

Look right up front this isn’t some miracle weight loss pill.

You aren’t going to buy expensive organic foods or shady supplements.

In fact, this information is critical for you to understand.

Yes, even if you shop at health food stores…

Including farmers’ markets…

It doesn’t matter if you’re young, old, or in-between…

Let’s be honest about your current goals.

In reality it doesn’t matter how much experience you have.

How good you think your diet already is.

The truth is:

If you eat food, this information revolutionizes your understanding.

It is a proven nutrition plan to help you burn more stubborn fat.

You can spend years analyzing studies and still not master nutrition.

Yes, knowledge on nutrition is everywhere.

And that is one of the biggest problems.

You want to know about the unique power of fat burning foods right?

What I’ve uncovered is startling…

And it exposes the hundreds of dirty little tricks the big food industry us.

You know the diet industry…

Even Governments try to hide this from you.

Why? Because they don’t want you to know the real truth.

These dirty little food tricks age you faster.

These foods are designed to block your body’s ability to burn fat.

And stop you from feeling alive and great about yourself.

Even though I get a lot of hat mail for being honest…

You know what?

I’m on a mission.

And now dozens of renowned fitness experts, nutritionists and fat loss coaches from all around the world are endorsing this…


The Nitrate and Nitrite Myth: Another Reason Not to Fear Bacon

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