Men and especially women…can you resonate to this?
I probably don’t have to tell you, turning 40 is like a whole new world.
It’s not that you’re suddenly “changing”…
Your body begins to feel different and you’re experiencing more changes.
Changes which can affect you, if you’re not prepared for them.

And sometime this is especially true for women…
You see, it gets harder to lose weight. Why?
Because your muscle mass decreases.
And metabolism slows down…
You may even have developed food sensitivities.
And experience almost daily digestive problems.
You may feel hormonal changes making it difficult to sleep.
And your libido (do we need to get into this?).
Once you’re over 40…
It become more important than ever to shed excess fat and balance your hormones.
Tames inflammation, builds stamina, relieves fatigue, supports immune…
Natural vital life energy stimulates your body’s built-in immune system.
Imagine a super-treatment, profoundly effective and completely harmless.
Now, you might be asking what exactly is life force energy?
Natural life force energy flows through all living things…
By the way, I didn’t get that line out of Star Wars.
Life force energy can be used to boost our physical vitality.
And energy levels to a whole new level.
Simply you want to be able to support and heal yourself…
On emotional and psychological levels as well.
Life force energy is known as:
- chi in China
- ki in Japan
- prana in India
This life force energy smoothie is supercharged for healthy benefits.
Don’t take my word for it, you’ll want to try it out for yourself…
We are filled with universal life force energy.
It all starts with eating melatonin-rich foods.
Some of the best high-melatonin foods are:
Goji berries, tart cherries (*cherry concentrate), walnuts, almonds, pineapple, asparagus, tomatoes, bananas, oranges, broccoli.
Include tryptophan-rich foods.
Spirulina, cottage cheese, chicken, turkey, pumpkin seeds, almonds, yogurt.
Garbanzo beans are a powerhouse in context to tryptophan content.

This energy is in essence our being, consciousness and soul.
Matcha is high in antioxidants to support health, energy and vitality.
Matcha has the ability to boost our immunity…
Control stress, plus assist in weight loss and management.
The health benefits of Matcha Green Tea are incredible…
One bowl of Matcha tea is equivalent to 10 cups of green tea.
Matcha is a powerful, green tonic to revitalise the body and mind
So, don’t be surprised if you’re bouncing off the walls with energy.
This smoothie is revitalising blend of pineapple, lime, coconut and Matcha.
The best grade of matcha uses young leaves of green tea.
Because young leaves contain higher concentration of antioxidants.
This means drinking it is better for your overall health.
Higher quality grades of matcha taste smoother.
And deliver a more delicious flavor experience.
Samurai warriors would drink matcha for sustained energy…
Increased energy provided razor-sharp focus on the battlefields.
Buddhist monks drink this tea before meditation for its calming properties.
Unlike coffee you get a quick energy spike.
Coffee releases stress hormone cortisol…
Go easy on the coffee.
Matcha provides a steady and sustained energy boost throughout the day.
Ingredients | Serves 1:
1/2 cup of pineapple, cut into small chunks
1/2 cup of mango or avocado, cut into small chunks
1 well-ripened banana (yellow, brown speckles, spots as
antioxidant levels actually increase as bananas mature)
1/2 cup coconut water or coconut milk
1/2 teaspoon organic matcha green tea
1 teaspoon of spirulina
1 tablespoon of bone broth
1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds
Simply combine all ingredients together in blender.
Blend on high speed for 1-2 minutes until smooth and creamy.
Spoon mixture into a large glass and enjoy.
Get your daily nutritional goodness and best of health…
You could use almond milk instead of coconut water or coconut milk.
Matcha has been shown to increase mental alertness.
And the ability to concentrate both during and after your workout.
I kickstart my bodyweight workout with a cup of matcha most mornings.
It’s ridiculously delicious with coconut water as pre workout.
Kick-start your day and increase your life force prana right now…