Seated Elbow Desk Pushdowns

“Seated Elbow Desk Pushdowns ONE Of The BEST 30-Second Abs Flattening Exercises You Can Do!”

This abdominal exercise is a “stealth” ab exercise…

And the cool thing is you can do it without anybody ever knowing you’re doing an ab exercise!

This exercise helps you to not only save time, also gets the results you want in less time.

Ready to get started?

Press PLAY button to watch Nick explain and walk you through the steps…

Simply sit with your elbows on a desk…

Now just push your elbows DOWN onto the desk.

What you want to feel is it as though you’re trying raise your body up out of seat.

Your legs may come up a bit as well…

Pushing action engages six-pack ab muscles like crunch (without crunches). You control how much tension you place on abs by how hard you push down… Can do exercise one arm at a time to engage deep core muscles (obliques and transverse abdominus). Do this while looking completely bored out of your mind (you’re still pushing down hard with one elbow to intensely contract your abdominals…

Seated Elbow Desk Pushdowns

By Nick Nilsson

Flying in the face of conventional wisdom, Nick Nilsson is known around the world as the “Mad Scientist of Muscle” for a reason. Nine-time published author and fitness expert Nick Nilsson enters his lab every day with one obsession to experiment with and deliver something better, the kind of mind-blowing, extraordinary resistance training exercises that get results FAST.

An expert in kinesiology, physiology and anatomy, Nick’s driving passion is helping people create the body they want, especially when nothing else seems to do the trick.

Want MORE Highly Effective Stomach-Flattening Exercises Like Seated Elbow Desk Pushdowns?

For more of Nick’s unique bodyweight training methods, check out



Lists get right down to the essence of things…

They serve to consolidate a lot of information into key points or actionable tasks.

A list can be mundane, such as the necessary ingredients to make a meatloaf.

Or, a list can be of biblical proportions like the Ten Commandments.

What follows is a list of ten different events from my life…

Some good, some not and some that are somewhere in between.

Every event is followed by some life-lessons I took away from each one.

Of course, some of those lessons were not apparent to me right away.

Sometimes it takes a while for certain lessons to make themselves clear.

There were times I was taught something new…

And other times I simply “re-learned” things I already knew but needed to be reminded of.

Life is about learning…

And this list, though brief, taught me plenty.

Event #1 – Getting Married.

Lesson 1: You tend to get what you give.

Lesson 2: That which is valuable should be valued.

Lesson 3: Actions speak louder than words, but words are still really important.

Event #2 – When You Break Your Back.

Lesson 1: Life seldom turns out as expected.

Lesson 2: How you handle adversity teaches you a lot about yourself, sometimes more than you may want to know.

Lesson 3: You can become stronger than you think you can.

Event #3 – When The Company Paying You That 6-Figure Salary Suddenly Goes Away.

Lesson 1: When they say to plan ahead for the unexpected, that’s good advice.

Lesson 2: You probably have way more ‘stuff’ than you actually need.

Lesson 3: If a situation can’t actually kill you, then maybe it’s not as scary as you’d been led to believe.

Event #4 – When You’re a Cop And A Suspect You Are Attempting to Arrest Is Trying To Kill You.

Lesson 1: Sometimes in life you’re a symbol of something to someone else and it’s not actually about you.

Lesson 2: Sometimes in life you’re not a symbol of something to someone else and it is about you.

Lesson 3: Life is short, so fight like hell.

Event #5 – Growing Up Watching Your Mother Get Beaten Over And Over And Over Again.

Lesson 1: Kids can’t make a parent make good decisions.

Lesson 2: Adults sometimes do things that kids will never understand.

Lesson 3: When you’re a kid and you’ve seen a lot of violence, it’s easy to become mad at the world. Don’t.

Event #6 – Having Kids.

Lesson 1: You will never be as good a parent as you wanted to be.

Lesson 2: But that’s okay.

Lesson 3: Try to make what you say line up with what you do.

The world will make a lot more sense to your kids if you can do that.

Event #7 – Making Your First Multi-Million Dollar Sales Presentation.

Lesson 1: Sometimes an opportunity hits before you feel “ready” for it.

Lesson 2: Don’t wait to do things until you feel ready, many opportunities only come by once.

Lesson 3: If you really know what you’re talking about, don’t hold back, let the world know.

Event #8 – When You’re 18-Years-Old And You Wake Up The Next Morning After You Tried To Kill Yourself The Night Before.

Lesson 1: A childhood full of negativity is seldom improved upon by three straight years of drug and alcohol use.

Lesson 2: You are more than your present circumstances.

Lesson 3: Some people, (like me) may need to bottom out before they finally figure out what is missing. [John 3:16]

Event #9 – When You Leave Your High-Paying Job To Go Do Something You Love But You Have No Idea How You’re Going To Make Everything Work.

Lesson 1: It’s okay to try ‘scary’ things.

Lesson 2: If you fail, that’s okay. You’ll still know that you dared greatly and daring greatly is awesome.

Lesson 3: You may succeed, which is likewise awesome.

Also, ‘success’ may not look exactly like what you were expecting.

Event #10 – The Day You Realize You Might Actually Be One Of The Luckiest People You’ve Ever Met.

Lesson 1: Being able to do things you love tends to make you happy.

Lesson 2: The quality of your relationships, particularly those with your significant other…

And children deeply affect your quality of life.

Lesson 3: Pay attention. Life is happening right now and it is amazing.

How many times does it take to learn the same life lesson? 

Life is not a checklist.

It is a practice…

Life Lessons

By Mike Gillette

Discover the 9-Step System to Unlocking Your Limitless Potential and Become the Person You Have Always Wanted to Be in Just 28 Days! I Will Take You By The Hand And Show You the Process to Achieving Your Biggest Goals! Register Your Spot Now!

Mike Gillette’s life story reads like an action-adventure novel. A life which includes time spent as an Army Paratrooper, SWAT Commander, Government Counter-Terrorism Expert, Bodyguard to Fortune Fifty Executives and a Record-Breaking Performance Coach whose achievements have been documented by Guinness World Records and Ripley’s Believe it or Not.

For more of Mike’s legendary mental feats of strength and high performance coaching check out:

Facts VS Opinions


“Every man has a right to his own opinion, but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts…” – Bernard Baruch (former adviser to Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt)

What is a fact and what is an opinion?

“I perform my push-ups fast for muscular endurance…” – some athlete

“I perform my push-ups fast to gain muscle size…” – some other athlete

“We perform our push-ups fast to build strength…” – some coach

As illustrated above, when it comes to training, there are opinions and there are facts.

Which means the most important mystery for you to solve is figuring out which one is which.

This is because we tend to do things that we like to do.

And we usually like those things which are familiar.

So, all too often…

An individual athlete or coach defaults to doing things which are familiar in lieu of things which could be much more productive.

This is not necessarily a bad thing.

After all, what you’re doing might be working for you.

But is it?

How do you know?

Do you test your methods or do you just “put in time”?

In other words, are you basing your training on opinions or facts?

I often use the expression, “Measurement eliminates argument.”

If you don’t test your methods, you’re not actually training as an athlete with a valid athletic process.

Without testing, you are simply “acting like” an athlete.

An effective training program must be premised around two key elements: a ‘process-orientation’ and ‘methodological metrics’.

A ‘process-orientation’ focuses on perpetual improvement.

These can be improvements in strategy, technique or some other facet of overall athleticism.

These are the building blocks upon which you can achieve eventual victories.

But many times coaches and athletes gravitate towards an ‘outcome-orientation’.

Wins and losses…

Wins are desirable outcomes, no question about it.

But you can’t always win.

Does that mean that you or your team are not making progress?

Depending on your circumstances, a sixth-place finish in a tournament could be a fantastic achievement.

If you were launching a brand-new team or club and only looking at ‘wins’ (outcomes) as your barometer of success…

You’d be looking at the wrong end of the developmental spectrum.

Without going on a tangent about the variables of things you can’t control as a coach or athlete…

Yyour time is better spent, particularly with a new program or one which is in “rebuilding mode”, by making your athletes better.

And you cannot, strategically at least, make your athletes better without ‘methodological metrics’.

Methodological metrics is a term which refers to the things in your training program which are the sub-categories of overall performance; increases in strength, speed, work-capacity, etc. 

There are two reasons why performance variables such as these are good to focus on.

The first reason is that they are all measurable.

In fact, they’re all rather easy to measure so long as measurement is built into the process.

Secondly, all of these sub-goals contribute to an outcome which is completely under the control of both coach or athlete: improved performance.

Make no mistake, winning is great.

Really great…

But for coaches or athletes, the weather, judges, referees, jet-lag, injuries and a myriad of other variables will never be under our control. 

So focusing solely on the wins and losses (outcomes) will provide only a partial glimpse of your overall progress. 

But your own efforts, intelligently applied (and monitored with regular testing) will lead to the long-term goal of getting “better”.

And you can control the process of bettering yourself. You just need to have a process by which to do it.

Facts VS Opinions

By Mike Gillette

Discover the 9-Step System to Unlocking Your Limitless Potential and Become the Person You Have Always Wanted to Be in Just 28 Days! I Will Take You By The Hand And Show You the Process to Achieving Your Biggest Goals! Register Your Spot Now!

Mike Gillette’s life story reads like an action-adventure novel. A life which includes time spent as an Army Paratrooper, SWAT Commander, Government Counter-Terrorism Expert, Bodyguard to Fortune Fifty Executives and a Record-Breaking Performance Coach whose achievements have been documented by Guinness World Records and Ripley’s Believe it or Not.

For more of Mike’s legendary mental feats of strength and high performance coaching check out: