Goal Setting for Superior Results and Making Changes Stick…Measuring Your Success
Yes, I remember…like it was yesterday.
The feeling of fear and desperation.
Back when I started out, I wasted so much time and tried so many things.
The blood, sweat and tears…
The harder I tired to make progress, the faster the injuries.
O.K. so what is the point?
I was trapped in a never ending cycle that lasted for months…
…until I made a decision that changed everything!
A simple shift in my way of thinking that resulted in…
Yes after Yes.
Let me tell you..I failed….a LOT!
But those failures were invaluable and taught me what REALLY worked.
Goals are gold and the key to success in life.
What are the benefits of goal setting?
Imagine everyday your goal is to do bodyweight training.
And every minute at some point you’re facing your fears…
You confront fear over and over, it’s scary to turn-up and workout hard right?
It could be just one bodyweight exercise at a time…you’re constantly being confronted, battered and tested.
The pain asks you everyday…what are you made of?
What have you got?
Do you have depth and character that’s required to step up?
Goal setting is very powerful for planning results and motivating yourself to turn-up and make your vision a reality…
How does goal setting help achieve success?
Have you heard people say this or maybe you’ve said it on several different occasions yourself?
The process of setting goals helps you choose what you want to achieve from fitness and life…
It’s one thing to actually take action or set a kick ass goal and make a change in your life.
Maybe its far easy to say you’re going to do it…easier said than done right?
We have personally heard this from many people on a daily basis…
The Hard Truths Of Goal Setting and What Really Flips Your Switch?
OK this probably isn’t the first time you’ve heard someone talk about the importance of goals.
And its definitely not going to be the last…
Humans are creatures of comfort, most of us are pretty darn lazy even if we don’t want to admit it…
We all just want to arrive at our destination, sit back and take it easy.
Yes…change is uncomfortable.
And not everybody wants to be uncomfortable…
We’re constantly looking for the easier path to security and certainty.
The hard truth is you have to be smart about goal setting and willing to take on risks to improve and grow.
To get uncomfortable to take on the opportunities.
Yes…I know you want to set goal, get into action and go for it.
What if you’re stuck in neutral and you want a confidence booster?
Well, you need to understand the hard truths.
Is being too nice holding you back?
Keep reading every word of this article so you can decide…
Why goals should be smart and bigger without sounding ridiculous?
Goals create mental change and really forces you to make yourself smarter.
No matter what you do every day, if you do something which makes you uncomfortable…
For example…
You’re doing bodyweight exercises which causes increases in brain function and improves how you perform.
You see, most people set the bar way too low and think the whole idea of goals are easy with minimal effort.
You need to pay attention to the goal that’s difficult for you.
If it’s challenging yourself to push with commitment and wiliness to change.
It’s the intensity and fact you’re uncomfortable, your body’s uncomfortable and that drives change.
So you need to get as uncomfortable as that change makes you, so you’re always progressing.
If there’s improvement as you get better, you’re making this goal your new benchmark or standard.
Sorry, I didn’t want to blow smoke up your ass and leave you disappointed…
Most of the time people start and quit or use any number of excuses as to why they couldn’t continue their goal.
It’s time to stop making excuses and focus on solutions…
If you say you are going to do something, then do it and actually commit to it and challenge yourself!
Do not quit half way through or get discouraged, do it for yourself and only for yourself.
We will be giving you some tips on how to set a goal and stick with it…
We are all winners and leaders in our own respective ways, let’s start acting like it and setting better examples.
First and foremost before committing to a goal, you must prepare yourself for change.
Whatever your goal is you have to prepare yourself mentally and physically for this.
We recommend starting off with a small goal you know you can accomplish easily.
Because this builds momentum and sets your mind right for a more challenging one.
Ask yourself, what’s most important to me?
What would reduce the most stress?
Make sure to brainstorm and research the pros and cons of your goals.
What will you gain and lose throughout the process?
Click play button below to see how does goal setting help achieve success in this short video…
If you need to engage with others about your goals and get their support, go for it.
You might ask close friends and family for support to help make the journey just a little bit smoother.
Every one percent of every single step means you have involvement or control over in your life.
This is transformed into what you think, what you eat, what you drink, where you live…
The environment you surround yourself and people.
Every one percent of every single step is important…
So once you have your goal set, map it out thoroughly and take action.
Key stages to consider when making a change are as follows:
Pre-contemplation puts you in a bad position and state of ignorance.
Basically its a tug-of-war and nothing convinces you to make a change in your life.
Contemplation is the most popular saying when contemplating change is “maybe next month I’ll get serious”.
When you are in this stage it’s easy to beat yourself up…
If you feel you’re not in the next stage as soon as you should be, you feel you are NOT making sufficient progress…
Preparation is thinking how great the result or outcome will be when you make change and achieve the goal.
Progress is moving yourself from preparation into motivation.
You ask yourself what’s it going to take to get there?
Take action is writing your goals down and putting focus on achieving within a determined time frame.
A really smart approach is to always carry you goals to remind you at all times.
Make time for each week; this helps keep you focused on what needs to get done for the week.
Actually take action on the change, no excuses, only solutions…
Go back to your preparation and map of your goals.
Now tweak it to see what stood in your way and figure out how to get around it.
We have all the tools to set ourselves up for success, so why not take action and get it done?
We believe many people are afraid to set goals and make changes. Why?
Because when people are in their comfort zone they feel comfortable with what they are doing in their daily lives.
People get so accustomed to routines it’s very hard to change them.
People are afraid of failure and don’t like admitting it…
If you fall off the track, get back on within 2-3 days and keep pushing there is no excuse to flat out give up!
Success Breeds Success…
Be honest with yourself and look at the bigger picture.
Take note of key areas you’ve been making progress and lean towards those.
Another step to remember during this process of change is to reward yourself for small steps you make.
Small steps are progress, every goal and milestone reached reinforces vision, motivation, determination and acknowledges your belief in yourself for planning and doing it.
Never beat yourself up about any situation…
The negative talk and stress is not worth it because you understand the importance of setting goals.
It’s Time to Claim What’s Yours…
Bodyweight training makes you feel alive, confident, stronger and builds extraordinary character…
Success and progress is never a straight line.
There’s always going to be obstacles and struggles throughout your journey of change.
Embrace those obstacles and look at them as opportunities, never fear them because you might get discouraged.
There is always a way around obstacles, don’t say “Oh maybe next year I can overcome what came up.”
No, the time is now!
Not next year…
Winning the Game of Bodyweight Training…
Set goals, get support from a group of like minded individuals to help you keep moving forward.
We are not saying setting goals or making changes are easy to do or can happen overnight.
Everything worthwhile in life requires energy, effort, discipline and sacrifice.
What if you want to do achieve something special?
You have choice and ability to take action, right?
You just want to make your goals a priority in your life and stop making excuses, plain and simple.
We are all winners and leaders in our own respective ways…
Are you clear on the advantages of setting goals and why does goal setting work?
Great…you’re now ready to start taking action and claim what’s yours.
The bulletproof health, well-being and lifestyle you’ve always wanted is within your grasp…
Are you ready to make it a reality now?
It starts with your inner thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and behaviour…right now.
External forces can negatively impact the performance of your training, but more critical to your success is mastering the ‘Inner Game’ of mind and body connection.
This means controlling your own conscious or unconscious doubts, fears and self-limiting beliefs, so no matter what’s happening…you and your workouts are thriving!
Is bodyweight training really easy?
One fact is certain, working smarter and harder is the answer…
To create real and lasting change in any aspect of your life, you must change your sub-conscious attitudes and beliefs, which in turn changes your perceptions, emotions and daily habits.
This is how you transform your bodyweight workouts and your life from the inside out!
Don’t feel short-changed here…get up and kick ass.
Thanks for reading, looking forward to reading your comments below…
Firstly, do you know if the unconscious mind is running your life?
It’s now a proven fact the unconscious mind is running your life…
Will you embrace this new perspective by cutting edge molecular biologists?
Foremost is professor of medicine at Stanford University…Dr Bruce Lipton.
Dr Lipton says the new science of epigenetics has shown our genes are in fact controlled and manipulated by how our minds perceive and interpret our environment.
It was believed by science our genes dictated our traits and our genes form who we are.
The discovery clearly means we can change many aspects about the who we are, including our believes about health by changing how we interpret events and situations which happen to us.
For example, Dr Lipton shows if we interpret life in a positive way, we start believing in living a healthier and better quality life, regardless of the genetic make-up we’ve inherited.
A new belief around attitude, positive or negative, sends messages to cells in our body and can actually reprogram their health and behavior patterns.
Belief can even change cellular structure, transforming diseased cells into healthy cells.
This science is not based on Newtonian physics which says the body is a mechanical device.
And acknowledges the mind and spirit also play a role in who we are…
Dr Lipton explains there are two separate minds which create what he calls the body’s controlling voice.
There is a conscious mind, which thinks freely and creates new ideas ‘out of the box’.
The subconscious mind, basically a super computer loaded with a database of pre-programmed behaviours…
Most of which are formed well before we’ve reached the age of six.
The subconscious mind cannot move outside it’s fixed belief programs…
It automatically reacts to situations with previously stored behavior responses and patterns.
Subconscious mind works without the knowledge or control of the conscious mind.
This is why we are generally unaware of our consistent patterns of belief, attitude and behaviour.
In fact, most of the time we’re not even aware we are acting unconsciously.
Studies from the early seventies shows our brains begin to prepare for action just over a third of a second before we consciously decide to act.
In other words…
Even when we think we are conscious it is our unconscious mind which is actually making our decisions for us.
Our unconscious mind is running on automatic pilot mode 95% of the time!
Neuroscientists have shown the conscious mind works at best 5% of the time.
That means 5% or less of our decision making cognitive (conscious) activity is active during the day.
And 5% is for the more aware people, so many people operate at 1% consciousness.
Dr Lipton says unconscious minds operate at 40 million bits of data per second.
The conscious mind processes at only 40 bits per second.
The Unconscious Mind Is Much More Powerful Than Conscious Mind…
Yes, it is the unconscious mind which shapes how we live our life.
Most of our decisions, actions, emotions and behavior depends on 95% of brain activity that is beyond our conscious awareness.
95-99% of our life…decision making process is created from beliefs and programs from our subconscious mind.
This was revealed more than forty years…
Click Play Button Below To See If Beliefs Do Reflect Unconscious Programming?
The subconscious is designed to create reality based on beliefs which is its programming.
So based on this belief structure it will prove the program is true.
What if you have negative programming in your unconscious?
Dr Lipton says 95% of the time you will recreate those negative experiences in your life.
This is based on the belief structure which is the program (operating system).
If you have ever taken time to analyse your unconscious thoughts…
You may understand the same patterns?
You may see that most of the programs your unconscious mind runs are based on negativity.
For example…
Fear based reality on what other people are thinking about us.
Fear based insecurity of not being loved and respected as we are.
The list is negative beliefs are endless…
So…how to get out of this endless cycle of old programs!
What Can You Do To Be More Conscious?
The power of unconscious mind is one million times more powerful than conscious mind.
95-99% it dominates your thoughts and actions…
It means most of the time the unconscious mind is running on autopilot.
Lipton says it takes a lot more than positive thinking to get out of this state of mind.
The problem…
As soon as you become conscious, the unconscious is back in control again.
Sound familiar?
The solution he suggests is meditation, hypnotherapy or other reprogramming approaches.
In fact, in the parallel field of neuroscience…
A number of experiments with Buddhist monks have shown they can actually change their brain patterns…
Regardless of their age by creating new neural pathways or neural linguistic programs (NLP).
The result of conscious thinking which is a mediation state of mind.
The same research also shows people who meditate on a regular basis enjoy higher immunity and lower blood pressure, among other health benefits.
Just goes to show you can’t judge a book by it’s cover or can you?
The unconscious mind consists of the processes in the mind that occur 95% automatically and are not available to introspection and this include thought processes, memory, affect and motivation…
What if there is a new way of thinking about the mind and how it functions?
There are three parts to the mind’s consciousness and functions:
Conscious Thinking (5%)
Unconscious Physiologic Brain Functions (25%)
Unconscious Thinking (70%)
(percentages are estimates and not observationally proven.)
What we are proposing is that we are aware of only 5% of what goes on in our minds.
And 95% is unconscious so we are not consciously aware of it.
We need the concept of the unconscious mind to explain the function of the conscious mind.
What are your beliefs on subconscious mind vs conscious mind?
Why Your Body Clock Is The Crucial Awareness Switch Between Sleep, Health and Fatigue?
Sleep is regulated by two body systems, sleep, wake homeostasis and the circadian biological clock.
When we have been awake for a long period of time, sleep and wake homeostasis tells us it’s time to sleep…
Your body uses this internal clock, which makes you feel sleepy at night and awake during the day.
Even though there are 24 hours in a day…
Your body clock is actually on a slightly longer cycle of 24.1 hours.
Being exposed to sunlight adjusts the clock so it stays aligned with day and night
This internal clock is controlled by a part of the brain called suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)
When this clock tells your body to sleep a hormone called melatonin is kicks in…
What Makes You Tick?
It might surprise you to know that your brain has a kind of clock in it.
This keeps your body ticking over every day.
As humans, we prefer to sleep at night and be up during the day.
This isn’t a result of particular behaviors, habits, work schedules or conveniences…
Every Process is Driven By The Body Clock…
Even if we don’t know what time it is, we still do things in cycles that go for about 24 hours.
We sleep for part of every 24 hours, our body temperature rises and falls with a cycle length of about 24 hours.
We have hormones and other systems in our body that go through this daily cycle as well.
Exactly the same pattern is seen in almost every living organism on the planet.
We all have an internal body clock which controls when we can do activities…
The daily rhythms are known as circadian rhythms.
Circadian rhythms affect our energy levels, health and well being depends on this ticking all the time.
Your body clock needs to tick at the same sequence or rhythm of time as everything around us.
This is called being ‘synchronised’…
Where is the clock?
Scientists have known for a long time that daily rhythms are driven by some kind of clock in our bodies.
But they didn’t discover exactly where it was until the middle of the 20th century.
They found this out when they experimented and did surgery on hamsters…
They took out a tiny part of the hamster’s brain called suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN).
After this, the hamsters totally lost their rhythm and not just on the hamster wheel.
It used to be easy to predict when the hamsters would run on a wheel.
But after they lost SCN, they ran at any and all times of the day and night.
That was the first big step in understanding…
How Does SCN work?
How the rhythms are produced is complex.
We can simplify the process as follows:
Specific clock genes in the SCN switch on which cause proteins to be made.
As these proteins accumulate along with other chemicals, they’re responsible for regulating and switching off the clock genes.
The level of proteins then drop to point where genes are able to switch on again…
And the cycle restarts…
This cycle of switching off and on happens about once every 24 hours.
The SCN sends out signals to the rest of the body that vary according to this cycle.
The cycle is not just determined by the SCN itself…
SCN responds and adapts to signals from outside the body.
The biggest factor is light and dark in order to keep us synchronised with the world…
That means, you’re either ticking at the right time or out of sync with your body and environment.
Is Light Important To How The Body Clock Works?
The most important external signal for the biological clock is light.
When the eye senses light, it sends signals to the SCN.
This resets the body clock every day…
Our body does this to make sure rhythms don’t drift out of line with the environment.
Although our rhythms cycle about once every 24 hours, without light and dark (for example, total blindness) humans actually tick a little more slowly about 24.1 hours.
If we didn’t have daylight we would get out of synchrony with night and day.
People with delayed sleep phase syndrome have trouble adjusting.
They go to bed and wake up later…
This can be inconvenient when you’re trying to schedule workouts or activities such as work and school.
Shift workers often have trouble totally adjusting to being up at night and sleeping in the day.
The external light and dark cycle and tends to keep them on a day shift pattern.
The influence of light also explains why we can adjust to a new time zone if we fly abroad.
The light in new time zone sends a signal to our body clock, which causes it to get synchronised with new time zone.
This usually takes several days to adjust…
Of course, while we wait for adjustments, we suffer from symptoms of Jet Lag.
Not much fun, especially if you add stress and mental fatigue to the equation.
Why Is The Body Clock Important For Sleep?
The cycle of sleep and wake is one of the most important circadian rhythms in humans.
Sleepiness is highest at night and lowest in the day.
At night, we get the best quality sleep and longest blocks of sleep without waking up.
Sleep during the day is more broken up. It tends to be lighter as well.
This means we sleep less…
Melatonin and body temperature are also driven by the body clock.
These are also well known circadian rhythms.
At night, core body temperature is low and levels of melatonin are high.
Getting these rhythms aligned with each other as well as the external environment gives us the best chance for good quality sleep, better health and well being.