Why Bodyweight Training Is Best or Better?

ATTENTION: The diamond cannot be polished without friction, nor the man or woman perfected without trials… 

That may seem old school and hard to believe at first, yet it’s 100% true.

If you’re a little skeptical, we totally understand, you want to know if bodyweight training really works, right?

You want an iron-clad guarantee of success for all your blood, sweat, tears are worth your time and effort…

And you want to know if you put in the hard yards, you’ll get rewarded…

Seriously no hype or exaggeration.

Here’s where you can find some time-tested proven advice to fast-track your journey.

Dear Friend,

Are you ready to get started right now and dramatically boost your fitness results?

Do you want a radically simple approach to lean muscle, less belly fat, total wellness and loads more energy?

body weight training

When it comes to working out, so many people make the same costly mistakes over and over again.

What they don’t tell you is the why is more important than how because why involves purpose and intent.

You can make definite progress with strength and growth…

It’s common to find people totally lost when they start out on a fitness journey.

Fitness can be totally fulfilling and effective if you understand why you want to do it.

Or you can play it by ear and follow the crash and burn workouts using isolated exercises…

You want the real secret for a lifetime of results right?

Keep Exercise Routines as Simple as Possible to Follow…

Bodyweight training is basic and uncomplicated to do.

In other words, basic exercise routines, which are as simple as possible to follow.

Its simple to do shorter, more effective workouts using compound (multi-joint) movements.

Why bodyweight training works, simply because it is HARD.

It’s safe to say you’re interested or at least curious about body weight training…

Is learning how to conquer fear important to you?

If so, that’s great!

You’ve definitely come to the right place…

You see, bodyweight training is more about conquering fear.

Are you tired of constantly living in fear trying to gain muscle or burn fat?

Are you constantly frustrated because of very few results.

And not for lack of trying even if you work your ass off for years…

You see…you might find you’ve actually been taking the easy way out.

You’re doing everything to avoid the #1 skill necessary to get real results.

Click play button to see 83 year old warrior cranks out results:

Here’s The #1 Secret for Bodyweight Training Success…

So what was the #1 secret you’ve avoided for years?

In spite of the fact it was the #1 most important key to bodyweight training success?


In other words, gradually and consistently increasing making movements more difficult.

Maybe you’re feeling resistance about this idea?

And you believe there is a reason to avoid facing resistance head on…and actually figure out how to INCREASE it…

No matter how you try to avoid it or for how long…it always turns out that resistance is the right path to accomplish everything you want in every aspect of life.

And there is NO other path.

Any reasons, excuses or “facts” you use to justify not marching ahead head-first into resistance…every, single, time.

It may be more emotionally painful than you can possibly describe with mere words.

In other words, you’ve been avoiding resistance.

The truth is just…PAINFUL isn’t it?

Whether you realize it or not…bodyweight training is gonna hurt.

And hurt BAD.

Are you ready to withstand the pain for a short period of time?

NO means the same fear that could be the beginning of the rest of your life.

A life better than you can possibly even IMAGINE at this moment right now.

Resistance Is The ONLY Path…

Will you take it?

And no matter how you ignore or deny it…deep inside you’ll KNOW it’ll make you less of a man or woman.

And even TERRIBLY worse… your friends, family (spouse and children) will know it, too.

Oh sure, they won’t say they think a lot less of you because you’ve demonstrated time and again (by avoiding resistance) you’re not the man or woman you could and SHOULD be.

In fact, you’re probably even experiencing resistance right now.


That’s just more confirmation, right?

In the process you’re learning how to understand your mind-body, build strength and fitness.

Bodyweight Training Is Science and Art…

Learning bodyweight training is simple and a treasure you carry easy for a lifetime.

Just take a closer look at everything you do in everyday life activities through each and every moment.

You see and do these movement so often each and everyday…

It is almost forgotten in the hidden art form we call life.

The movements have become almost invisible or of less value.

Some say bodyweight training is what you do when you start training because it’s a cheap alternative.

They say: “how can bodyweight training be effective”…

Is that what you’re hearing? 

Some people say bodyweight training is the “poor man’s” tool.

The Same Old Pointless Debate For Decades…

Bodyweight training vs weight training.

Free weights vs machines.

No exercise equipment needed vs gym membership.

Is Bodyweight Training The Low Budget Street Version Of The Real Deal?

The “street” version for quick and dirty results…

Bottom line; a wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows public opinion.

If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate yourself…

At the end of the day, there’s a lifetime of almost infinite variations to bodyweight exercises.

You can keep it simple or create, mix and progress from basics to advanced.

Want A Lifetime Of Fitness Which You Can Use To Truly Enhance Your Health?

It’s imperative to harness energy and apply to a specific focus, so your mind and body works together.

Learn to listen to your body and observe how each change you implement affects you…

You can choose to use equipment or no equipment…you can effectively workout anytime and anywhere.

There are no restrictions on age and fitness level; enjoy endless possibilities with no limits to creative human expression.

You can take almost any body movement and make it your own…extremely hard or intense.

You enjoy the process because it is a natural human expression, movements are aligned with body weight exercises which allows you  to connect and learn control over your mind-body.

Body weight training provides a feeling of freedom to explore mind-body connection with dynamic agility.

Is Bodyweight Training An Exhilarating Adventure To Learn, Grow and Breakout Of Comfort Zones To Add Value To Yourself and Lifestyle?

There is no better feeling being than able to control your fear and to get healthy and fit…become powerful.

It’s called independence, bodyweight training gives you a lifetime of opportunities to train and get stronger.

You learn to rely on nothing but your mind and body strength using bodyweight and determination.

What Is Your Eating Plan?

Do you count calories or are you very aware of what your body needs to maintain, grow and repair, so you can base your eating habits depending on schedule and training habits.

This is important because of the intense training, and to make sure you eat as much complex carbohydrates and quality protein source foods you can.

Most importantly a HUGE benefit that blows away any other training is its sustainability, ability to build real-world functional strength and mental toughness.

Bodyweight training program is for anyone, man or woman, beginner or advanced who is ready to work hard, train smart and achieve a strong lean body.

Click play button to watch short video…

Bodyweight exercises provides the stepping stone to burn fat, sculpt muscle and get fit.

It doesn’t matter what shape you’re in, your age or how many diet programs you’ve tried.

You can transform your body and become leaner and stronger.

What Foods Do You Eat?

The bodyweight training program provides everything you need to burn fat, build muscle and get fit. It includes daily workouts with a full nutrition plan, recipes and more.

Meals can come from meats and vegetables including lentils, quinoa, beans, broccoli, spinach, whole grain breads, pastas, cereals, wild yams, brown rice, almond milk, nuts, fruits, peanut butter, mushrooms and protein.

Many plant-based proteins, including beans, lentils are naturally packed with other beneficial nutrients like fiber, vitamins, minerals, healthy fat, and antioxidants, and contain very little saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol.

Did You Lift Weights Before You Start Bodyweight Training?

How long have you been training?

When do you start weight-lifting…on average most people use free weights for 3 to 4 years then transition to mostly bodyweight training.

You can put on muscle without ever touching a barbell or dumbbell.

You can build a strong core without using a stability ball…

And you can develop functional fitness without overpriced equipment or training systems.

Do You Need To Take Supplements?

Remember the training formula?

Nutrition, supplements and “miscellaneous” are other matters entirely.

All 3 become 100% irrelevant if you don’t get the training formula right.

You can take supplements and they may provide some benefits, it’s not a replacement for real nutrient-dense foods.

Supplements are for all good intentions, not the be all and end all solution.

It’s one piece of the puzzle which may or may not help your existing nutritional or meal plan.

By all means you can add protein to post workouts or drink amino acids with creatine during training as well.

What Is Your Bodyfat Percentage?

Are you typically staying lean year round as a result of training or are you wanting to achieve for the most part 4% to 6 % body fat ratio?

How Do You Get Strong And Learn All The Exercises?

Core stability is key and the basics, mastering workouts to the point where you can dominate the basic exercises.

From there you can get started putting together bodyweight workouts circuits to help you consistently progress into more challenging exercises and advanced training programs.

Can You Bodyweight Train Everyday?

Yes, as long as you give your body proper rest (sleep) and nutrition for optimal recovery.

You can follow a successful bodyweight routine which gives you exceptional results.

You may need at best to take at least 1 or 2 days rest and recovery.

When Will You Know When You’re Ready To Advance?

The good rule of thumb is to progress further when you have mastered the current skill and it feels easy. I know that sounds a bit vague, but in reality everybody will have different numbers.

Some people are able to hold a position for 5 seconds and progress further, while others may need to hold it for 15.

Remember to take your time, no need to hurry or you’ll fail.

Make the resistance progressive and you get closer to your goal.

Ultimately, there are countless incredible benefits to enjoy from bodyweight training.

Bodyweight training program develops into a lifestyle, which evolves and grows into a lifetime of health results with further exploration of better ways your mind-body moves and functions.

This is a dynamic approach that goes way beyond just a fitness regime…

You’re engaging at a higher level, developing as a person and understanding a better quality of lifestyle via the human expression of strength, balance and coordination.

You’re using a proven system and practicing rituals, which emphasizes mobility, strength, flexibility, balance and coordination.

Bodyweight training supports and promotes real-world health and fitness through effective movement.

Encompasses all components of lifestyle…

Improvement for sports and daily activities ranging from yoga, pilates, calisthenics, gymnastics to core stability which involves eye to hand coordination skills in balancing, acrobatics and strength training…does that make sense?

It’s just the tip of the iceberg, bodyweight training is a lifetime skill.

And please don’t be put off by fear.

This is a simple step-by-step process where layers of resistance and exercise complexity can be added one at a time.

All you do is begin now to unlock the hidden power of your mind-body.

Tell us what you think, what your opinion is about body weight training or something you’ve learned or would like to share. 

Yes, it’s all about connecting and helping each other, so feel free to leave your valued feedback below…

Bodyweight Training

Why Bodyweight Exercise Alone Is Not Enough to Lose Weight?

What’s one of the biggest misconceptions surrounding weight loss?

To lose weight, all you need to do is exercise…

Often, you’ll hear of people running for miles daily or going to the gym and working out every day, yet not seeing any weight loss.

You may have even witnessed it yourself?

Seeing the same guy jogging daily at same park for months and he’s still as fat as he was the first time you saw him.

Guess what?

He’s not alone…

Thousands of others are just like him.

Now, of course some exercise is better than no exercise at all and credit must go to them for trying.

They are definitely fitter now than if they were just lazing at home on the couch.

But, we are concerned with weight loss and only results matter, right?

That being said, exercise alone is not enough.

There is another BIG part to weight loss.

It’s called nutrition…

Nutrition is one of the most important aspects of your body weight exercise journey.

Don’t leave it up to chance!

The nutritional component in a weight loss program cannot be overestimated.

In fact, I’d say that successful weight loss is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise.

In body weight training there is a saying, “abs are made in the kitchen” and this is very true.

What you eat will have a direct effect on your weight loss results.

More so than your exercise.

Allow me to explain….

A typical intensive 1 hour cardio workout may burn about 400 to 500 calories.

That’s an hour of hard work.

Sweating, struggling and panting.

Eating a big mac meal will put about 540 calories into your body.

This is a meal that you can eat in 20 minutes.

It’s easy and fun.

Can you see how you cancelled out an entire 1 hour workout in 20 mins.

You can eat thousands of calories in a day but it’s next to impossible to burn thousands of calories in a day.

You could try but you’d be exhausted and burnt out within a few days.

Therefore, it is crucial to watch what you eat.

You exercise and training must complement your nutrition and not the other way around.

You’d be smarter to avoid sugary foods, white bread, pasta, white rice and other carbohydrates that are unhealthy.

Consume protein religiously and eat the required amounts of fat…

Calculate how many calories a day you need to lose weight which can be easily done by using free online calorie calculator

Once you know how many calories you need, make 20% of the calories are carbs and the rest from protein and fats.

Contrary to popular belief, eating fats does not make you fat easily.

Eating carbs causes you to put on fat more easily than eating fats.

So, it is a great idea to control your carbohydrates intake strictly.

Once you’re following your nutrition plan, eating the right proportions, you can easily calculate how much exercise you need to do to burn fat.

1 pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories, so a daily calorie deficit of 500 means you may lose 1 pound of fat per week.

So, now you are armed with this info, you can do workouts aimed at burning 3500 calories per week.

Then your fat loss goal is definitely set to be achieved, you get the body you want and enjoy better quality lifestyle.

A Taste Of Vitality Nutrient-Dense Fruits and Vegetables

nutrient-dense fruits

Nature’s most nutritious nutrient-dense foods and discover a healthy new you…

Fruits and vegetables are essential for a healthy body.

Here’s a short list of the most nutritious options so you can choose which fits your nutrition plan!

Losing fat and gaining muscle often means foods you eat are based on macronutrients which best for your goal.

Why? Because if you’re focused on how much carbs, fat and protein you’re getting in each meal.

Typically you may forget micronutrients which are essential parts of a healthy body and great physique.

Micronutrients are essential vitamins and minerals your body doesn’t make.

That means you need to eat these foods which are necessary for your body’s systems to function optimally.

It’s possible to become deficient in certain micronutrients, which can impact your health.

For example, too little potassium can cause muscle cramping, weakness and heart arrhythmias.

Taking a multivitamin may help get those vitamins and minerals your body needs to functional normal, but your body actually absorbs micronutrients much better from real foods which contain enzymes.

It’s important to eat nutrient-dense fruits and veggies instead of popping a multivitamin, which may or may not take care of any holes in your nutrition.

Below are some of the most nutrient-dense fruits and veggies.

Eat up so you can provide your body everything it needs to work at its best…

Let’s start with the most nutrient-dense fruits:

Serving size – 1 mango
Calories 201
Fat 0.8 g
Carbs 32.3 g
Protein 1.7 g

Mango can be slightly harder to find and even more challenging to eat than some fruits.

It’s a great addition to your nutrition plan.

One mango provides 5 grams of fiber, as well as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and huge doses of vitamins A and C.

It’s slightly more caloric than most fruits, so be aware of how much you’re eating.
pomegranateServing size – 1/2 cup pomegranate seeds
Calories 72
Fat 1 g
Carbs 16 g
Protein 1.4 g

Pomegranate has received some special attention in the last few years and for very good reason!

Pomegranate has a unique, delicious flavor and is chock-full of nutrients.

One half cup of pomegranate seeds provides lots of potassium, magnesium, fiber, and vitamins B-1, B-2, B-6, C, E, and K.

Pomegranates are a bit difficult to extract and eat, yet they’re well worth the effort.

The taste and nutritional benefits outweigh a little effort on your part!


guavaServing size – 1 guava
Calories 112
Fat 1.6 g
Carbs 23.6 g
Protein 4.2 g

Guava might sound like a fruit you should only enjoy while you’re lounging on a beach, it’s a great addition to your nutritional plan.

Guava is high in fiber, niacin, and vitamins A, B-3, B-6, C, and K.

Guava is also rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant.

Guava is generally a summer fruit, so get some while you can!



raspberriesServing size – 1 cup raspberries
Calories 64
Fat 0.8 g
Carbs 14.7 g
Protein 1.5 g

Blueberries get tons of praise and love, deservedly so, yet raspberries are a great year-round superfood option.

They’re delicious, also high in vitamins C and K, and contain a healthy amount of folate.

One cup of raspberries also provides 8 grams of dietary fiber.

Add to boost your protein and enjoy a handful on top of your yogurt.


orangeServing size – 1 medium orange
Calories 62
Fat 0.2 g
Carbs 15.4 g
Protein 1.2 g

Oranges are pretty easy to get your hands on year round.

Oranges may be common, yet their ubiquity doesn’t make them any less healthy.

Oranges are excellent sources of vitamins A and C, beta-carotene, and minerals such as potassium and calcium.

They’re also high in soluble and insoluble fiber.

One of the best things about oranges is that they keep well for a long time.

Get some the next time you’re at the store and enjoy!

Serving size – 1 cup sliced avocado
Calories 234
Fat 21.4 g
Carbs 12.5 g
Protein 2.9 g

Although we usually think of avocado as a fat source, it’s actually a fruit, and a really healthy fruit at that!

One cup of sliced avocado contains 10 grams of dietary fiber, 42 percent of your daily value of vitamin B-5, and 35 percent of your daily value of vitamin K.

Avocado also provides big doses of vitamin C and potassium.

If you’re not already eating avocado regularly for healthy fat, now is the time to start!

It’s one of those foods everyone should enjoy.

They’re great in a shake as well as atop a salad.

Next on the list are most nutrient-dense vegetables…

Serving size – 1 cup chopped kale
Calories 33
Fat 0.6 g
Carbs 6 g
Protein 2.9 g

Kale might be trendy, but it’s trendy because it’s so damn healthy.

Kale is rich in vitamins A and C.

Kale has tons of vitamin K, a fat-soluble vitamin that allows proteins to bond to calcium ions.

Kale is also a great source of manganese, copper, fiber, calcium, potassium, and vitamin B-6, and even contains some omega-3 fatty acid.

For maximum nutritional benefit, steam kale for about 5 minutes before eating it.
brussels sprouts

Serving size – 1 cup Brussels sprouts
Calories 38
Fat 0.3 g
Carbs 8 g
Protein 3 g

Love ’em or hate ’em, Brussels sprouts have found a home in the fitness community.

This cruciferous vegetable is rich in sulfur-containing nutrients which enhances your body’s detox systems and offers plenty of fiber to aid digestion.

Brussels sprouts are also rich in vitamins K, C, and B-6, and minerals like manganese, folate and copper.

Brussels sprouts also contain omega-3 fatty acids.

Do yourself a favor and eat these little guys at least once per week!

Serving size – 1 cup chopped broccoli
Calories 31
Fat 0.3 g
Carbs 6 g
Protein 2.6 g

Broccoli is a very popular veggie on our list.

Broccoli is a bodybuilding staple because it is one of the most nutritious vegetables on the planet.

In just one cup of chopped broccoli, you’ll get more vitamin K and C than you need in a day and lots of other awesome minerals like potassium, calcium and selenium.

Broccoli is also full of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.

Broccoli is low in calories, which makes it a good addition to your diet if you’re trying to cut fat, lower your carbohydrate intake, or both.

Even if it’s not on your favorite vegetable list, it’s a great idea to find some way to add broccoli so you like it.

Broccoli is simply a great, healthy vegetable which belongs in your nutrition program, no matter your fitness goal.


artichokeServing size – 1 medium cooked artichoke
Calories 60
Fat 0.2 g
Carbs 13 g
Protein 4.2 g

Artichokes are awesome, yet people forget they’re a vegetable.

Artichoke is high in dietary fiber, folic acid, and vitamin C.

Artichoke is one of the best vegetable sources of vitamin K.

Aside from vitamins, artichoke is also rich in minerals like copper, calcium, potassium, and iron.

One of the best and easiest ways to prepare an artichoke is to steam it with garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper.


bell pepperServing size – 1 large yellow pepper
Calories 50
Fat 0.4 g
Carbs 12 g
Protein 2 g

Bell peppers of all its various shapes and colors are an amazing addition to your diet.

Bell peppers contain a huge amount of vitamin C and a great sources of vitamin B-6, vitamin A, folate and fiber.

Bell peppers are very low in fat, the little they do have ensures  you’ll get fat-soluble nutrients like vitamins A and E.

Bell peppers are absolutely delicious in salads, grilled or just sliced and enjoyed as a snack.

If you like them…eat up!

Serving size – 1 cup boiled spinach
Calories 41
Fat 0.5 g
Carbs 7 g
Protein 5 g

Spinach belongs in your muscle-building nutrition plan.

You can eat it raw or increase the fiber content by boiling it.

Spinach’s dark color means it’s full of phytochemicals that have anti-inflammatory properties.

Spinach is also a great source of vitamins A, K, and E as well as calcium.

Bodyweight Exercise 

Nutrition – High Quality Plant-Based Protein Options

Protein is a nutrient made of amino acid…

Protein is the building blocks for many of your body’s structures, including muscle, bone, skin and hair.

Protein also plays a vital role in the creation of many substances your body requires…power for everyday life.

Meat, poultry, fish and dairy products are some of the more commonly known quality proteins… 

Learn about how you can fill nutritional gaps with these versatile plant-based protein options as well.

You can enhance health building a stronger, more mobile and better body with therapeutic benefits of plant foods…

Protein is one of the most popular and controversial topics in all of nutrition.

Here are a few high quality plant-based proteins you may not know about…

Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae (AFA)
Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae (AFA)


Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae (AFA)

A type of blue-green algae, which are a large and diverse group of simple plant-like organisms.

Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae are found in saltwater and some large freshwater lakes.

Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae are a great source of protein, as well as B vitamins and iron.

It was once thought plant-based proteins needed to be combined within a meal by mixing grains and legumes to create “complete” protein…

Also called complementary proteins with good amounts of all essential amino acids.

Now we know the liver can store amino acids so we don’t have to combine them in one meal.





Another micro-algae protein source.

This simple, one-celled organism has long been used by various civilizations as a nutritional supplement.

Natural sources of spirulina include freshwater lakes, streams, rivers and ponds.

Over the last 50 years ‘protein’ has become synonymous with muscle and spirulina helps to build muscle.





Hemp Seeds
Hemp Seeds



Hemp Seeds

Considered highly nutritious and used in many products.

Hemp seeds are used as ground hemp flour and hemp milk.

Hemp seeds are a good source of essential fatty acids, magnesium, iron, potassium and fiber.









Gluten-free protein option available in the form of groats, kasha and buckwheat flour.

Buckwheat contains powerful antioxidants.

These antioxidants are called phenolics, which help protect against harmful free radicals.

How Much Protein Does a Body Need?

The overall daily protein recommendation for normal health is 0.4 grams per pound of body weight.

For example: If you weigh 150 pounds you would multiply 150 x 0.4 = 60 grams of protein for your daily need.

Older adults may benefit from a slightly higher amount of protein approximately 0.5 grams per pound of body weight.

Chia Seeds
Chia Seeds




Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are edible which come from the desert plant Salvia hispanica.

Chia seeds have grown in Mexico dating back to the Mayan and Aztec cultures.

Chia seeds are a concentrated food containing healthy omega-3 fatty acids, carbs, fiber, antioxidants and protein.









The amaranth plant is valuable for both its seeds and leafy greens.

Amaranth seeds can be ground and used as flour, while the leafy greens are filled with nutrients such as calcium and vitamins A and C.









Quinoa is truly a delicious, versatile grain that contains every amino acid.

And is particularly rich in lysine.

Quinoa is also a good source of iron, magnesium, vitamin E, potassium and fiber.





Scientific evidence continues to support the many health benefits of plant-based protein.

Plant-based protein may reduce the risks of killer diseases such as heart disease, stroke and certain cancers.

Useful in stabilising and controlling diabetes, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.

Plant-based protein are invaluable for maintaining healthy weight, better quality of lifestyle and may add years to life expectancy via well-balanced nutrition…

High Quality Nutrition Plant-based Proteins