Woman’s Bodyweight Workout and Fat Loss Formula for Success

First, ask yourself how much is it worth to you to enjoy bullet proof health and better quality of life?

If you transform your life and focus on improving 1% everyday, you’ll create a ripple effect…

Have you ever seen amazing images of women fitness competitors and wonder, how did
they get bodies like that?

Well it’s not easy, yet not impossible.

Keep reading and you’ll be able to use this quick start guide today…

You see, you eat until you feel full…

And that’s the best indicator of how much food it takes to power your body right?

Not necessarily and here’s why…

Researchers at Cornell ran an experiment where 2 groups of participants got a free buffet lunch.

The first group, buffet was laid out with salad with fruit first…

And pasta dishes at the end.

Second group, food was switched, so healthy foods went to the end of buffet line.

And the gooey pastas were at the front of the line.

The results were shocking…

The people in Group 1 ate an average of 890 calories per person of pasta.

Those in Group 2 consumed an average of 1,520 calories per person in pasta alone.

They ate a jaw-dropping 56% more food and most of it was pasta.

About 70% of what people take are the first 3 foods they see.

Group 2 binged on pasta because it was the first food they saw and it’s a trigger food.

The bottom line is you cannot trust your stomach…

So bring out the salad and vegetables first, wait to bring out the main course.

If you use this simple trick you could enjoy some serious weight-loss success for you and your family.

At least physical results come a lot more quickly when you understand what weight loss formula for success these women use.

You see, if your weight loss isn’t working, it’s usually because you’re not eating right.

Weight loss revolves around getting lean muscle which is via nutrition…

Bear in mind you don’t have to be an extreme athlete or fitness competitor to benefit.

The goal is to unlock the power of your body’s own fat burning process to see results.

So grab your pencil, jot down some notes so you’ll get where you want to go a whole lot

We’ll show you step-by-step how to follow the weight loss formula for success.

Getting a lean body is really a numbers game…

And it basically starts with finding the right numbers which are uniquely yours.

You need to determine your target total daily calories and percentage of calories from fat,
carbs and protein.

Now find your body type, factor in your goals and get number crunching…

Use the daily meal plan example to create a nutrition plan which works within these target

Its important to determine your body type before you begin any nutritional plan.Why?

Simply because you need to know your body type to determine your daily breakdown of macronutrients (protein,
carbs and fats)…

  1. Ectomorph – classic skinny woman has problems gaining muscle also known as a hard gainer
  2. Mesomorph – naturally muscular, shoulders are wider than hips
  3. Endomorph – heavier, pear-shaped and generally carries more body fat

Please be honest with yourself here…this is after to your benefit and all about your starting point.

Choose from three major body types to see your nutritional plan breakdown.

Calories are divided into percentages of proteins, carbs and fats.

Here’s how it breaks down for each body type:

  1. Endomorph: 35% carbs and 25% good fats
  2. Mesomorph: 35 % carbs, 30% good fats
  3. Ectomorph: 40 % carbs, 25% good fats

Take your time and really get to know the basics.

It takes approximately 15 calories per pound to maintain your current body weight.

There are 4 calories per 1 g of protein; 4 calories per 1 g of carbohydrates; and 9 calories
per 1 g of fat.

You can consume approximately 1–1.5 g of protein per pound of body weight.

You might find based on your body type a high-protein nutritional plan is key to maintaining
lean muscle, energy and good health.

How much protein you need to eat is determined by your physique goal, your body type and
your exercise intensity.

Exercise plays a vital role in calorie management.

A good nutrional plan with weight-resistance program helps your body burn approximately
6–12 calories per minute, per workout.

The exact number depends on your intensity, duration and total lean muscle mass used.

Average number used for calories burned while using free weights is about 6 per minute, 10
or more when doing high-intensity exercises.

There are approximately 3,500 calories to 1 lb of body weight, so if your target is to lose or
gain 1 lb, you need to add or subtract 3,500 calories from your baseline calories per week.

You want to determine your daily calorie needs. Why?

Simply because it’s easier than it looks at first glance…

Here’s an example of the equation using a 130-lb endomorph:

Current body weight 130 lb

Multiply body weight by 15 calories x 15 calories per lb

This number equals maintenance calories = 1,950 calories per day

Minus what we call deficit calories – 500

Total daily calorie intake = 1,450 total calories per day

Now, divide this figure by daily meals per day.

That’s your daily meal breakdown.

To determine caloric content of food, you can use a calorie app.

Note: As you begin to lose wight and get in shape, remember muscle is heavier than fat.

Please don’t use a weight scale…it is not the best way to determine your results.

How you look in a mirror and how you feel in your clothes is a much better gauge of your progress.

Here’s a list of delicious meals which are easy to adapt to fit your weight loss target.

MEAL 1: BREAKFAST – Western Egg Burrito

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Since your body has been deprived of
nutrients for eight or more hours, feed it quality calories,such as eggs with peppers and

MEAL 2: LUNCH – Vegetarian Split Pea Soup

Baby greens, tomato salad with olive oil and vinegar

MEAL 3: PREWORKOUT – Strawberry Cake

Eat 20–30 g of protein and carbs in about a 1:1 ratio no more than 30 minutes before
weight training.

MEAL 4: POSTWORKOUT – Creamy Orange Smoothie

Consume 20–30 g of protein and carbs in about a 1:1 ratio immediately postworkout.

MEAL 5: DINNER – 6–8 oz Grilled Steak with Chimichurri Sauce

1 cup steamed broccoli or spinach, unless you’ll be working out after dinner, try
to avoid starch carbs at the end of the day,choosing green-vegetable carbs instead.

And her’s a little appetizer to fuel your day with organic celery, carrots, ginger and beetroot!

Carrots are great for your skin.. hair…and nails…as well as improved liver function.

Celery juice contains compound 3-n-butylphtalide or phthalide, which contributes to the
vegetable’s taste and aroma.

As a chemical affecting the body, phthalide helps relax and smooth muscles in the walls of
blood vessels, according to High Blood Pressure Info.

Blood pressure decreases as blood vessels dilate and allow blood to flow easier and more

Ginger raises immunity in several ways.

Firstly ginger contains compounds which are antimicrobial (killing or inhibiting the growth of
microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi).

Ginger has also been shown to activate an important part of the immune system.

Beet (beetroot) supports improved liver function with many health benefits, packed with powerful antioxandants, vitamins and minerals, excellent source of folic acid…great for lower blood pressure, cleansing and purifying blood…

Ok for exercise, it shouldn’t matter what time of the year it is, you can always be working on your bikini body.

So we’ve created a workout plan for you to feel strong and confident in your bikini for any season.

It’s a total bodyweight strength training workout to help keep you moving for about 20 minutes.

Directions: Warm up with five minutes of light stretching and repeat each three-exercise circuit three times.

Cool down with five minutes of stretching.

Circuit One: Squat With Side Leg Lift

This squat variation tones and sculpts the butt from all angles — plus standing on one leg
fires up your core.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel. Bend your knees, lowering your hips
deeply so your thighs are parallel with the floor, keeping weight back in your heels.

Rise back up, straightening the legs completely, and lift the right leg out to the side,
squeezing the outer glute.

Lower the right leg to complete one rep; repeat the squat again liftting the left leg as you

Do 20 reps, alternating sides.

Circuit One: Down Dog Abs

This full body move works the upper body while focussing on the abs. It also a provides a
nice stretch for the calves.

Start in a Downward Dog pose, actively pushing your weight into your heels while reaching
your tailbone to the sky.

Lift your left leg up squeezing the left glute.

Exhale rock your weight forward over your hands, draw your left knee toward your nose
pulling your abs to your spine to round your back.

Inhale and lift your left leg up as your push your weight back into your heels. This complete
one rep.

Do 10 reps, each side.

Circuit One: Elbow Plank With Twist

Twisting is good for the spine and tones the obliques, the ab muscles that crisscross the

To increase your stability in this position, reach your bottom toward the ceiling —
this also works the inner thighs.

Start in side elbow plank on your right side, with your feet stacked one on top of the other
(you can stagger your feet for more stability).

Place your hand so your fingers point away from you.

Place your left arm behind your head, and inhale to prepare.

Exhale, and pull your navel to your spine while rotating your ribcage toward the floor bringing
your left elbow to your right hand.

Return to the starting position, to complete one rep.
Do 10 reps on each side.

Circuit Two: Beach Babe Push-Up

This modified one-leg push-up will challenge your arms while working your abs. Do actively
squeeze the glute of the lifted leg to tone your butt too.

Begin in plank with your knees on the mat.

Extend your right leg straight behind you so it’s parallel with the floor.

Engage your abs, and keep your left heel in line with your hips by engaging your glutes.

With your right leg extended, exhale to bend the elbows, lowering into a push-up.

Inhale to straighten your arms, keeping your leg lifted.

This counts as one rep.

Do 5 reps on each side.

Circuit Two: Twisted Mountain Climber
Mountain climbers are such an effective exercise, and adding a twist really works the abs
from all angles.

Start in a traditional plank — shoulders over hands and weight on your toes.

With your core engaged, twist to bring your right knee forward under to your left elbow.

Return to your basic plank to complete a rep.

Switch legs, bringing the left knee forward to the right knee for your second rep.

Do 20 reps, alternating sides.

Circuit Three: Bulgarian Split Squat
Shape and lift your rear with this elevated split squat.

Begin by placing the toes of your right foot on a bench, box, stair or chair, with your left leg

Make sure your left foot is out far enough so that when you lower your hips, your knee stays directly over your ankle.

Bend your left knee, squeeze your right glute, and lower your pelvis toward the ground.

Press your left heel into the ground to straighten your left knee.

This completes one rep.

Do 15 reps before switching legs.

Circuit Three: Superwoman Push-Up

Proper posture can make you look up to five kilograms thinner, so in this exercise focus on
strengthening your upper back to help you stand tall.

Being lying with the front of our body on the mat. Exhale and lift your legs and upper body off
the mat, pulling your elbows back squeezing your shoulder blades down and together.

Keep your abs engaged to protect your lower back.

Inhale and lower your legs to the mat, placing your palms by your shoulders.

Exhale, engage your abs and push your body up into a full plank.

Inhale, lower your body slowly to the floor to complete one rep.

Do 10 reps.

Circuit Three: Butterfly Crunch

Don’t let the sweet name fool you, this move works the abs quite thoroughly.

Lie on your back with your knees open and the soles of your feet together (in a butterfly

Lengthen your arms overhead so they are resting on the floor.

Exhale and bring your hands and knees toward each other performing a full-body crunch.

Your shoulder blades should be off the mat as your perform a small reverse crunch lifting
your pelvis a bit off the mat.

Hold this position for a moment and really feel your abs squeezing.

Slowly lower your arms and feet back to starting position to complete one rep.

Do 15 reps to complete a set.

Marching Bridge

This exercise helps strengthen the back for good posture, but to keep the pelvis stable you
as your march in this position you really need to engage your glutes.

Lie on your back with your hands by your side, with your heels about 12 inches from your

Press your heels into the floor to come into a bridge position with a neutral spine.

Press your right heel into the floor, and keeping your knee bent, raise your left leg until your
hip is a 90 degrees.

Lower your left leg down, pressing through your glutes so your pelvis doesn’t drift to the floor along with the leg.

This completes one rep; switch sides and lift your right leg for your second rep.

Do 20 reps, alternating legs.

This Push-Up Challenge Will Make You Insanely Stronger in 30 Days

If being able to do 50 push-ups is on your fitness bucket list, it’s time to make it happen.

Just like the 30-Day Squat Challenge, here’s a plan to build your upper body and core
strength so by the end of the 30 days, you’ll be able to bust out 50 push-ups.

This challenge involves five push-up variations, to not only prevent boredom and overuse injuries, but they’ll help sculpt other areas of the body.

Here are instructions for the five different variations, followed by a 30-day plan to get you all the way to 50.

Number 1: Basic Push-Up

Come into plank position with your arms and legs straight, shoulders above the wrists.

Take a breath in and as you exhale, bend your elbows out to the sides and lower your chest
toward the ground.

Stop as soon as your shoulders are in line with your elbows. Inhale to
straighten the arms.

This counts as one rep.
If this is too difficult, do this exercise with your knees on the floor.

Number 2: One-Legged Push-Up (Left Leg)

Begin in plank position.
Extend your left leg straight behind you so it’s parallel with the floor.

Engage your abs and try to keep your left heel in line with your hips.

With your left leg extended, and your right toes on the floor, exhale to bend the elbows,
lowering into a push-up. Inhale to straighten your arms.

This counts as one rep.

If this is too difficult, the photo above shows how to do this push-up variation with your right
knee resting on the floor.

Keep reading to see the other three push-up variations and the 30-Day Push-Up Challenge

Number 3: One-Legged Push-Up (Right Leg)

Now switch sides. From plank position, extend your right leg straight behind you so it’s
parallel with the floor.

Engage your abs and try to keep your right heel in line with your hips.

With your right leg extended, and your left toes on the floor, exhale to bend the elbows,
lowering into a push-up. Inhale to straighten your arms.

This counts as one rep. As mentioned above, if this is too difficult, rest your left knee on the

Number 4: T Push-Up

Begin in plank position.

Take a breath in and then exhale to bend your elbows, lowering into a push-up.

Inhale to straighten your arms, and at the top of your push-up, lift your left arm straight up
overhead, rotating your torso to stack your shoulders, and turn your heels to the right,
making a T-shape with your body.

Exhale to place your left palm back on the ground and lower into a push-up.

Inhale to straighten your arms and lift your right arm up overhead, rotating your torso and
turning heels to the left.

Exhale to place your right hand back on the ground.

Doing a T push-up on both sides counts as one rep.

Number 5: Diamond Push-Up

Begin in plank position.

Place your hands together, directly under your sternum, with the tips of your index fingers and thumbs touching.

Your fingers and thumbs should form a diamond or triangle shape.

After an inhale, exhale to bend your elbows, lowering your chest toward the floor.

Inhale to straighten the arms.

This counts as one rep.

If this is too difficult, try separating your hands a couple inches or widen your feet slightly.
Still too hard?

Then lower the knees to the ground.

The Plan
Instead of rolling out 50 regular push-ups in a row, you’ll work up to doing 10 reps of each.

This plan gives your upper body a day of rest every two days, but feel free to strength train
other areas of the body on those rest days.

If you’re new to the push-up scene, it’s OK to perform these push-ups with your knees resting on the floor if straight legs is too difficult.

But keep in mind that unless you practice doing push-ups on your toes with your legs
straight, you’ll never be able to do them.

So do as many reps as you can with proper form with your knees lifted, and lower them when your arms start to fatigue.

It’s also OK to rest your arms if you need to (in Child’s Pose or Seated Heart Opener), but as the plan progresses and you build strength and endurance, spend less time on your knees and resting, and more time rocking these push-up variations.


Day 1 1 rep of each 5
Day 2 1 rep of each, repeat 2x 10
Day 3 Rest 0
Day 4 2 reps of each 10
Day 5 1 rep of each, repeat 3x 15
Day 6 Rest 0
Day 7 2 reps of each, repeat 2x 20
Day 8 3 reps of each 15
Day 9 Rest 0
Day 10 2 reps of each, repeat 3x 30
Day 11 4 reps of each 20
Day 12 Rest 0
Day 13 3 reps of each, repeat 2x 30
Day 14 4 reps of each 20
Day 15 Rest 0
Day 16 5 reps of each 25
Day 17 6 reps of each 30
Day 18 Rest 0
Day 19 4 reps of each, repeat 2x 40
Day 20 6 reps of each 30
Day 21 Rest 0
Day 22 7 reps of each 35
Day 23 8 reps of each 40
Day 24 Rest 0
Day 25 8 reps of each 40
Day 26 9 reps of each 45
Day 27 Rest 0
Day 28 9 reps of each 45
Day 29 5 reps of each, repeat 2x 50
Day 30 10 reps of each 50

Hunger vs Cravings – Do You Know The Difference?

Women’s fat loss and what is the differences between hunger vs cravings?

A lot of women have problems recognizing the difference between hunger and cravings.
You may feel the urge to reach for a bag of chips with salsa…

What if that feeling hits two hours after dinner?

Well, it’s more likely you need food to satisfy emotions, rather than your stomach.

Physical vs. Emotional…

Hunger is a biological function of the body’s real need for food.

A craving on the other hand is triggered by a need other than hunger.

It could be any number of factors, anxiety, boredom, anger, loneliness or all of the above.

Cravings can be generated by environmental factors…

You already know those tempting mouth watering treats, the fresh smell of warm chocolate cupcakes overcomes you as you walk by a bakery.

And you simply MUST have a cupcake.

Even if you’re not the least bit hungry…

There are also a physical components to cravings.

The types of foods we usually turn to in times of stress are carbohydrates like cookies, cakes, chips to help the brain release feel-good chemical serotonin.

Serotonin temporarily makes you feel really good…

That doesn’t mean your body physically needs the food.

And it doesn’t mean it will fulfill your needs..

You see, these emotionally-driven cravings are rarely ever satisfied, no matter how much you eat.

How do you know if it’s real hunger…

To make sure you’re eating because of true hunger, rather than a craving here are some simple steps to help keep you aware of these subtle differences.

Step 1 is do a body check…

Before you reach for a chocolate doughnut…STOP and ask yourself is my:

  • Stomach growling
  • Head aching
  • Body feeling a bit weak

These are signs of physical hunger…

If they’re absent, then ask yourself am I:

  • Stressed
  • Anxious
  • Bored

Now here’s your opportunity to come up with three other ways to solve the problem.

Relax…take a nice hot bath or talk to a friend or read a good book.

Write it down or in other words make a daily record of everything you eat along with what happened right beforehand you you get to see and learn your eating patterns.

If you find after every fight with your husband or boyfriend you’re chowing down a box of Twinkies, hunger isn’t what’s driving your appetite…does that make sense?

It’s just a matter of changing your food log to an emotions log…

So get into the habit of writing down what’s happening in your life.

Seriously, as simple as it sound sometimes that in itself can be enough to keep you from binge eating.

Next step is get into body weight exercises…

Yes, we’re playing the same old song, we hate the sound of a broken record, yet it’s true.

Exercise truly does boost your feel-good endorphins.

Exercise helps relieve stress and anxiety…

How else might you otherwise deal with by overeating without exercise?

It’s basically all about distraction and redirection of energy.

How often have you found that if you ask your kids to do something you don’t want them to, you try to divert their attention elsewhere.

See if you can do that same trick with your own cravings…

So, let’s say you must have a bowl of crackers and cheese dip.

See if something with the same texture and temptation will satisfy you.

Experiment…dip crunchy vegetables into yummy hummus.

Reach for a dip made with Greek yogurt and spices.

One of my favorites is a handful of unsalted popcorn with a dash of savory spices, turmeric, coriander, cumin and fennel seeds.

Or you can make your own baked kale or sweet potato chips…

Finally, if you absolutely must have those crackers and dip, make sure you limit your portion to a very small amount and allow yourself to enjoy every bite…

Is Leptin the hidden women’s fat loss secret?

Leptin was discovered well over ten years ago…

Leptin is a hunger and appetite-suppressing hormone.

Leptin is responsible for monitoring your nutritional status, measures and tells your brain when to increase or decrease hunger.

Leptin levels produced in your body are controlled by two factors:

Leptin is secreted by fat cells, so obviously the level of body fat plays a vital role in secreting the leptin hormone.

Higher body fat percentage, higher leptin levels…

Blood leptin levels is your calorie intake.

Lower your calorie intake and leptin falls regardless of body fat.

Basically this is what happens when you lower your calories:

Leptin levels drop by 50% in first week of dieting…

Brain gets a signal that says you’re not getting enough calories and you’re starving…

Brain puts on the brakes and slows down metabolism to adjust hormones.

This hormonal environment is very suitable for FAT GAIN.

Cortisol levels increase and thyroid levels decrease…

This is when hunger kicks in with vengeance and before you know it, you didn’t create a fat burning opportunity.

Why? Because your body’s metabolism is stuck in FAT STORING mode.

It would be really great if you could keep Leptin levels high while you lower your calorie intake.

This way you could have an ideal hormonal environment for building muscle and losing fat.

So what’s the solution?

Leptin levels decrease by about 50% after only one week of dieting, still it doesn’t take nearly as long for Leptin levels to climb back up with substantial increase in caloric intake.

According to research, the time frame is between 12 to 24 hours for Leptin levels to climb back up again…

And this effect is multiple times greater when large amounts of carbs are eaten.

Research shows when only fats and protein are eaten this combination has very little effect on Leptin.

The answer is high calorie with high carbohydrates meals in the middle of the week.

And you’re still able to lose weight and burn fat.

Now we’ve got that problem out of the way, are you ready to move forward and get in the best shape of your life?

Fitness – Are You Making These Crucial Mistakes In Your Workouts?

If fitness, exercise and health is important to you, you need a quality training program…

Let’s face it, there are lies and misinformation, often deliberately spread by the fitness industry.

Keep reading to discover the lies, misinformation and most common mistakes.

The fact, is most people join a gym with expectation they’ll get support with quality training programs…

Dear Friend,

After all this is the age of fitness, technology and healthy lifestyles.

In context to your fitness, exercise and nutrition, which do you need help with most?

Let’s dive a little deeper into one key area…exercise.

Seriously it’s time for brutal honesty…

You’re here because you want fewer injuries and to get better results in your life, right?

Which of these is the greater obstacle?

You allow self doubt and fear to get in your way?

You try to do too many exercises and get overwhelmed?

You’re afraid if you try one exercise program and it won’t work, it means you’re back at square one?

If you started enjoying better results, are you sure exactly how to keep on track?

Everyday you can see the results of countless people doing useless and ineffective, even dangerous exercises.

If you want to count the number of common mistakes the list would be almost endless.

And if you take a closer look and recognise any of the traps and are making any one of the mistakes in your own training…

You’d be smart to fix them as quickly as you can. Why?

Because you deserve to get significantly better and more meaningful results, right?

The key aspects critical to maximizing your time and effort is to get the best results.

They say being well-rounded is good, right?

The truth is well-rounded in fitness really means having a lot of variety.

The problem is you have specific personal needs and goals, which determine what you do, how you do it and how much you do…

There’s only so much time and energy you want to put into exercises in order to get the best results, so every movement you do is structured to be the most effective.

You want to be focused, on purpose and make every exercise movemnet count.

You don’t want to add more movements just to be well-rounded, does that make sense?

Machines with weight-stacks are very popular for beginners and loved by bodybuilders.

You see, as a gym owner it’s far easier to sell you on the benefits of a room full of machines than empty space.

Let’s take a look at this from a gym owner’s and marketing perspective…

Do you feel like you have something to gain like a skill, life experience by using machines that could really help you get results?

You get absolutely far more functional fitness benefits from using simple free weights, resistance bands and body weight exercises.

Let’s briefly define why machines are popular?

Machines were initially introduced for rehabilation.

Machines are designed to isolate muscle groups instead of making them work together…

Machines allow people to let core muscles relax, reduce the need for muscle control and coordination.

In other words, just take balance completely out of the picture…

What if you opt for free standing versions of similar exercise movements to get the best results with functional fitness?

Using free weights are challenging…

The key is increasing muscle size and strength.

Unfortunately most people get way too comfortable with weights they use, so they aren’t really challenging their body any more.

A lie, misinformation and common mistake is to increase number of reps, instead of increasing amount of weight lifted.

What if you keep reps in the 10-15 range and continually increase weights to maintain the challenge?

You could even use resistance bands to increase intensity.

What if you’re doing 45-60 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio like most people?

You can get even better benefits from your cardio routine in only half the time simply by using high intensity intervals (HIIT).

Increasing intensity burns far more calories in way less time.

Intensity increases fitness much more effectively and really ramps up fat burning.

So you benefit from shorter and far more superior cardio workout.

What if go hard for 60 seconds and then took it easier for two minutes?

So, the next time you are training think about your fitness in context to mobility, stability and functional strength using the above simple, yet effective exercises.

If you’ve already read info covering stability with planks and variations, why not integrate the dynamic exercise movements with core stability?

We haven’t even mentioned you can even do them at home…

You just might be surprised by your stability and functional strength with best results…ever.

Let’s make sure you’re getting most benefits from your fitness in context to time and effort.