How to Succeed In 7 Key Areas Of Your Life!

“Here’s Your Cheat Sheet On How to Think BIG and Aim HIGH – Succeed In 7 Key Areas Of Life!”

At last here’s a simplified guide for taking back control of your life for living on your own terms and how to stay focused and motivated…

The problem we all face, every day of our lives is the ultradian rhythm.

This is a 90-minute cycle which moves from higher physiological arousal to progressively towards fatigue.

If you focus intensely and ideally without interruptions…

You’ll be more effective and productive.

But do this no more than 90 minutes at a time.

Take a real break for at least a few minutes to relax emotionally.

This gives your mind time to physically recharge.

Human beings aren’t meant to operate like computers continuously at high speeds.

We’re designed to cycle…

In other words, pulse between spending and renewing energy.

Nearly every task which creates enduring value requires effort with focus.

Even some levels of discomfort are accepted and tolerated along the way.

Remember our brain is deeply wired to avoid pain.

And the body uses pain as a danger trigger (survival mechanism).

This ensures you’re out of harm’s way (the faster the better).

And then we’re moving back towards pleasure.

It is important to understand you are not your mind…

You are much bigger and more powerful than your mind alone.

By learning to train both physically and mentally you can conquer your fear, expand your comfort zone…

And dramatically increase your personal power.

These are the simple 7 steps to how can you be successful in life.

Appreciate yourself…
Work out what you want from your life…
Plan the way you’ll move forward…
Set your goals into action….
Remember you are the most important person in your life…
Believe in your abilities and in who you are…
Realize other people have their own problems.

Training Goal

Set goals that motivate you to be consistent in your training.
When you set training goals for yourself, this means making sure the result is important to you.
And there is value in achieving the result.
Set goals that are realistic and achievable.
Set goals in writing within a specific timeframe.
Create a daily action plan.
Commit and stick with it.
Celebrate your small victories.

Personal Goal

Choose one goal at a time
We all have the habit of getting overzealous in our personal goals
Maybe you want to lose weight, diet and exercise, clean out clutter, take a class, earn a certificate, etc.
And then, we spiral out of control and fail at all of the above.
Begin to get excited and it will show.
The more you get excited about what you are doing, the more inspired you will feel.
And the more momentum you will create.

Career Goal

Examine and explore which area of your career is not working.
Ask yourself what your short term goal vs long term goal
Work fewer hours or have more fun and enjoyment.
Do you want to retire earlier?
Define short term, intermediate and what is your long term goal?
Once you have defined your goal, start creating a priority daily plan of action.
Pick five action steps, beginning with the smallest.
Take one small action step per day for a set amount of time.

Relationships Goal

Be honest about who you are.
Take a look at your actions.
Take note of thoughts.
And preconceived basis when relating to others.
Ask how you can show or contribute to help other people.

Money Goal

What’s your money story?
We all have positive and negative stories around money.
It’s your intention to uncover your money story.
You want to associate with your positive money story.
You want to uncover your negative money story.
And self-sabotaging habits surrounding money.
Start practicing positive affirmations around money.
Practice these daily.

Life Purpose

You can write your own brand new story.
Stop self-sabotaging habits and behavior.
Practice leaving the comfort zone.
Quiet your mind and get clear.
Make declaration to live life on your terms.

Prosperity Goal

Choose an area in your life where you want more prosperity.
Is it in your training, career, financial status…
Get in control of credit card debt.
Contribute more to savings and retirement.
Positive thoughts with actions create prosperity.
Take on the practice of positive thinking.

Spirituality Goal

Allow and accept who you are.
Meditate on what works for you.
Spirituality comes from within.
You accept who you are.
And what works for you.
Get beyond the mind and ego.

Finally for all of  the 7 key areas in life remember:

Get quiet…
Get still…
Write it down…
Take action…
Be accountable…
Follow through…

And it’s really important to celebrate small successes.

This implants belief in yourself that you can do it.

And builds upon the layers which leads to bigger success.

Keeps momentum and belief in yourself with enthusiasm.

Above all else…

It’s critical to ground yourself in deeply held values.

Knowing what you stand for is a uniquely powerful motivator for behavior.

This is true especially when the going gets tough…

And the temptation is to take the easy route of least resistance.

If you’re clear about who you are and what you want in any given situation…

Non-negotiably without excuses you can stay focused and motivated.

Click here to learn how to achieve your goals once and for all…

To succeed you want to understand what you want from your life.

Plan the way you’ll move on.
Set your goals into action…
Distill an unwavering resolution to succeed…
Believe you’re a man of action…
Appreciate yourself…
Avoid conflicts…
Don’t be afraid to explore new ideas…
Believe in your capacity to succeed…
Always maintain a positive mental attitude…
Don’t let discouragement stop you from moving forward…
Be willing to work hard…

Click here to take control of your thoughts and live life on your own terms!

How to Succeed In Life

How to Achieve Your Goals Once and for All.

Discover how to stay strong and intensely focused for the next 12 months…

“Successful Goal Setting Is Belief In The Process With Step-By-Step Plan To Reach Specific Goals!”

It’s true to say without goals you lack focus and direction, that’s why goal setting as a process starts with careful consideration of what you want to achieve…

The goal ends with a lot of hard work to actually do it.

In between these defined steps there’s a time frame…

Or range of limits within the specifics of each goal.

Your goal must be clear and well defined.

You write goals down to make them feel tangible and measurable…

Include precise numbers and time frame (time-bound).

Your goals need a way you can measure your degree of success.

Set attainable goals.

Make sure it’s possible to achieve the goals you set.

Set goals which are relevant to you.

Set action steps because no goal is achieved without this first important step in place.

It is vital you get out of your head and into your heart and then into action.

Without small, measurable action steps, your success remains nothing but a story.

Small steps and bite size pieces…

It is important not to get over zealous with your goals and do not take on too many at the same time.

Stick with one goal, one set of actionable and measurable goals.

Assign an accountability partner…

There’s nothing like a best friend.

He or she tells you the truth even when you don’t want to hear it.

Having an accountability partner is one of the best ways to keep yourself in line and in check.

There’s no greater or worse feeling than having to tell somebody you did it…

Or did not do something you were supposed to.

Holding yourself accountable…

Check in with yourself every once in awhile.

Make certain you ask yourself the hard questions.

And tell yourself the truth about why you didn’t do something.

Don’t make yourself wrong.

Just allow yourself to feel what you feel…

And then take the necessary action step to correct it.

Keep practicing.

Taking on the possibility of being self-disciplined…

Learn how to take on self-discipline.

Understand it takes practice and don’t beat yourself up.

Why keep practicing?

Because humans are creatures of habit.

We have to practice.

Practice acting in spite of fear, discomfort and inconvenience.

By doing so, you’ll quickly move to a higher level…

And your confidence will almost certainly increase.

The more you practice the better you become.

It’s the art of self-discipline.

Practice makes it become easier and it will become natural to you.

Talking to yourself?

Why it’s good to talk to yourself in order to achieve success?

Because in order to achieve success in all areas of your life, it’s important to watch the self talk.

The better you communicate to yourself…

The better you’ll feel and the more prosperity you will experience in all areas of your life.

Picture it this way…

Would you talk to your best friend the same way you speak to yourself?

Often times, the answer is no.

Be kind to yourself in words.

Momentum and how to effectively use it into your daily life?

Once you’ve practiced and got these skills, habits and mindsets in order…

It’s time to keep up the momentum.

The biggest mistake, when it comes to momentum, is that people start too big and fall short.

Allow enthusiasm and passion to fuel your momentum.

Rather than let all the action take responsibility for keeping up momentum.

Nothing fuels momentum more than excitement.

Use momentum in your daily life so it doesn’t overwhelm you.

Step every day towards your goal.

Find a point of reference that makes you feel excited.

When you are excited, you create your own momentum.

Create a plan…

Once you have the underlying feelings, you’ll begin to notice momentum building up speed.

However, you need to reign in that momentum otherwise you might get overzealous.

You may find yourself veering off into several other ideas and creative endeavors.

Create a plan of action as to where that momentum will carry you so it doesn’t carry you away.

Believe in yourself…

Above and beyond everything, belief in yourself is key.

Tune out the negative voices in your head and opinions of others.

Living a mediocre life does not lead to happiness.

Constantly wondering what could have been does not lead to happiness.

What does lead to happiness is living in your natural state of growth…

And reaching your peak.

Do you ever notice yourself and your thought patterns?

Which thoughts support your happiness and success?

Challenge the little voice in your head whenever it tells you…

“I can’t” or “I don’t want to” or “I don’t feel like it.”

Don’t allow this fear-based, comfort-based voice to get the better of you.

Failure is your new best friend…

Perhaps you can look at failure as a cycle of understanding what works.

And what doesn’t work as part of the plan.

Because fear of failure is actually more damaging than failure itself.

Once you get over your biggest fear and actually experience it…

You will see it’s not the big elephant in the room you once though it was.

Failure is not taking action, not taking chances and not taking risks.

The Reward System…

How to create a reward system that works for you.

Keep a journal, every time you have a success write it down.

Keep a journal, every time you have a failure look at your journal.

You want to see exactly what you are made of and where you can change a habit.

Whenever you reach a small goal, celebrate and boast about it.

Tell others about it, but don’t allow them to put you down.

Allow yourself to treat yourself every time you achieve a goal.

It doesn’t have to be big, but something that makes a connection in your brain in achieving goals reaps rewards.

How to Train Your Brain…

Play a new record and train your brain to have positive associations.

You can choose which emotion you want to associate success.

Is it fear of failure?

Is it joy, happiness and fulfillment?

Pay attention to your thoughts.

And don’t underestimate the power of your thoughts.

Yes! You have full power of choice.

Recreate your thoughts and you can change your thoughts at any time.

Change your thoughts to more positive feelings.

The Art of Visualizing and Manifesting…

Allowing the problem to sit for a while…

When you think about a problem for too long it becomes bigger and more unmanageable.

Journal the problem…

Let go of finding a solution the quicker you let go of finding a solution it pops into your mind.

Did you ever look for something and can’t find it?

And then the minute you stop looking, you find it?

It’s the exact same concept…

Pick an uplifting vibe and stick with it.

Get enthusiastic about how excited you are.

Keep moving towards your dream and make it happen.

Before you do this step, however…

you must know your short term goal and be enthusiastic about your specific goal.

Think about the long term goal and not how you will get there.

Focus on the short term reachable goal and you’ll begin to manifest at the speed of light.

Visualize daily…

Especially out in nature or where you feel inspired.

Notice more positive changes than negative.

Face your fears in small doses…

Then let them go as you realize you survived each and every fear you were afraid of.


There are many different forms of meditation.

Experiment until you find the right one for you.

Meditate at night so you reset your subconscious brain.

Let the meditation play as you fall asleep.

Your subconscious will pick it up.

Too many people force themselves to meditate in the morning….

But their busy minds are already on the go and it’s not as effective.

Stop holding your breath…

Learn to check in with your breath throughout the day…

Notice how tight your stomach is, let go and allow your stomach to relax.

The center of the body is the stomach…

It’s your gut and your gut doesn’t let you down.

How are you taking care of your gut?

Are you eating right?

Are you hydrating with nourishing water?


Working hard for 90 minutes and then taking a break?

Are you checking in with your intuition to feel your way through and getting out of your head?

When it comes to meditation, get out of your head…

Practice present moment techniques.

Use your journal and burn it if you choose to do this.

Practice, practice, practice.

Create Success Habits…

Do not set unachievable goals.

Do small steps and one new habit at a time until that one is in place.

Celebrate success both personally and with others.

Take a look at habits and what hasn’t worked.

That way you can figure out a new strategy for what does.

Write your strategy down and carry it with you to remind yourself.

The written word works wonders toward achieving goals.

Make a decision, if it doesn’t work simply make a new one.

Listen you don’t have to beat yourself up.

Always be in action and in momentum.

Don’t sit in analyzing mode for too long.

Keep moving towards your goal…

Delegate and learn how to say no.

Kick procrastination to the curb.

Reward yourself for every goal achieved no matter how small, especially for the small ones.

Write it all down…

Put it away and revisit it, you’d be surprised at how much you achieved.

Write it all down and the steps you will take to achieve each new habit.

It’s called learning to think and aim big for a reason.

If you already knew how to put all these practices into place, you wouldn’t need any training.

You most certainly can retrain your brain.

Simply, it just takes practice.

Give yourself time to practice.

The more you practice, the easier it will become.

To be successful, check your goals against the step-by-step checklist below.

This helps ensure you accomplish them.

Click here to learn how to understand your subconscious mind for goal setting.

This first step is an absolute belief and faith in the process…

Visualize what you want…
Write it down…
Stay focused…
Plan of action…
No time like now…

I trust these simple yet powerful tips helps you to practice.

These are the basics of goal-setting for success in life…

Follow through on all the steps…

And you’re on your way to thinking BIG and aiming HIGH…

Click here to actually experience the power of living life on your own terms.

How to Achieve Your Goals

The Magic to Think BIG and Aim HIGH!

Wouldn’t it be great if you’d succeed beyond your wildest dreams?

“Are You Ready to Experience Breakthroughs To Finally Remove Every Barrier And Excuse?”

Are you afraid to think big? Ultimately do you feel it’s of value developing the habit of thinking BIG to free yourself from piss weak excuses and limitations?

And will thinking big truly help you achieve your goals faster?

The magic to think BIG and aim HIGH?

What does this mean to you?

Will you be able to see with clarity and grasp the entirety of what you’re not doing?

Will this focus and feeling translate into your ultimate goal and everything around it?

Sadly, most people underestimate the real power of their thoughts…

And this happens in almost every other area of life.

Does thinking big and aiming high set you up to achieve success?

Success beyond your wildest dreams!

What if you don’t know how to think BIG and aim HIGH in your bodyweight training?

Keep reading to find out how to grab your amazing cheatsheet below…

When you think of success what do you see?

What does success feel like to you on a deeper level?

Wouldn’t it be great if you could succeed beyond your wildest dreams?

Dear Think BIG Dreamer,

When you’re feeling uncomfortable, uncertain or afraid…

Do you push forward instead of retreating?

When you experience the feeling of discomfort, do you accept it for what it is?

Do you recognize this “feeling” does not have the power to stop you?

Do you push forward or surrender?

Wouldn’t that mean you’ll never reach your goal?

You’ve probably heard success stories where ordinary folks…

Have gone from flab to strong, ripped and muscular, right?

Perhaps more importantly…

These are true stories based on overcoming huge obstacles and fears.

In many cases they’ve faced enormous personal struggles and tragedies…

Overcome setback and roadblocks…

They’re now experiencing meaningful joy, happiness and success in life.

After all success is personal…

Success relates to what you believe it is, right?

So why wouldn’t you want to define your own success?

What really makes the “definition of success” powerful to you?

How to define what success means for you and only you.

To succeed you need to understand other areas in your life…

That way your momentum continues to push you forward.

And your training fuels your life and keep your success strong.

The magic of thinking big supercharges you to create successful habits for yourself.

What if you’re not thinking BIG and aiming HIGH in your life?

You probably already know you are missing out…

Why hold yourself back if you know you’ll reach new levels of peak fitness year after year?

Yes! You can stay intensely focused, motivated, inspired to keep going strong…

Succeed in your body weight training even beyond your wildest dreams!

bodyweight training

Want to succeed in the key seven areas of your life?

What’s the one major factor which separates the most successful people from the rest?

It begins with a single thought.

Think BIG is a single thought and if cultivated it grows over time into an empowering habit.

Eventually thinking big takes over a person’s psychology…

And propels them inevitably towards experiencing their goals.

Enter email and click (I Want Instant Access!) button to grab your cheatsheet.

If this is what you’ve waited for and it’s success you want, grab your cheatsheet right now.

Simply enter your email address above to experience success beyond your wildest dreams.

See you on the other side…experience success beyond your wildest dreams!

P.S. Discover How to Think BIG and Aim HIGH…

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