The Magic to Think BIG and Aim HIGH!

Wouldn’t it be great if you’d succeed beyond your wildest dreams?

“Are You Ready to Experience Breakthroughs To Finally Remove Every Barrier And Excuse?”

Are you afraid to think big? Ultimately do you feel it’s of value developing the habit of thinking BIG to free yourself from piss weak excuses and limitations?

And will thinking big truly help you achieve your goals faster?

The magic to think BIG and aim HIGH?

What does this mean to you?

Will you be able to see with clarity and grasp the entirety of what you’re not doing?

Will this focus and feeling translate into your ultimate goal and everything around it?

Sadly, most people underestimate the real power of their thoughts…

And this happens in almost every other area of life.

Does thinking big and aiming high set you up to achieve success?

Success beyond your wildest dreams!

What if you don’t know how to think BIG and aim HIGH in your bodyweight training?

Keep reading to find out how to grab your amazing cheatsheet below…

When you think of success what do you see?

What does success feel like to you on a deeper level?

Wouldn’t it be great if you could succeed beyond your wildest dreams?

Dear Think BIG Dreamer,

When you’re feeling uncomfortable, uncertain or afraid…

Do you push forward instead of retreating?

When you experience the feeling of discomfort, do you accept it for what it is?

Do you recognize this “feeling” does not have the power to stop you?

Do you push forward or surrender?

Wouldn’t that mean you’ll never reach your goal?

You’ve probably heard success stories where ordinary folks…

Have gone from flab to strong, ripped and muscular, right?

Perhaps more importantly…

These are true stories based on overcoming huge obstacles and fears.

In many cases they’ve faced enormous personal struggles and tragedies…

Overcome setback and roadblocks…

They’re now experiencing meaningful joy, happiness and success in life.

After all success is personal…

Success relates to what you believe it is, right?

So why wouldn’t you want to define your own success?

What really makes the “definition of success” powerful to you?

How to define what success means for you and only you.

To succeed you need to understand other areas in your life…

That way your momentum continues to push you forward.

And your training fuels your life and keep your success strong.

The magic of thinking big supercharges you to create successful habits for yourself.

What if you’re not thinking BIG and aiming HIGH in your life?

You probably already know you are missing out…

Why hold yourself back if you know you’ll reach new levels of peak fitness year after year?

Yes! You can stay intensely focused, motivated, inspired to keep going strong…

Succeed in your body weight training even beyond your wildest dreams!

bodyweight training

Want to succeed in the key seven areas of your life?

What’s the one major factor which separates the most successful people from the rest?

It begins with a single thought.

Think BIG is a single thought and if cultivated it grows over time into an empowering habit.

Eventually thinking big takes over a person’s psychology…

And propels them inevitably towards experiencing their goals.

Enter email and click (I Want Instant Access!) button to grab your cheatsheet.

If this is what you’ve waited for and it’s success you want, grab your cheatsheet right now.

Simply enter your email address above to experience success beyond your wildest dreams.

See you on the other side…experience success beyond your wildest dreams!

P.S. Discover How to Think BIG and Aim HIGH…

(*You can ask questions about bodyweight training and related subjects or unsubscribe)

Baking Soda To The Rescue

“What Is The Difference Between Baking Soda, Bicarbonate of Soda and Baking Powder…”

Are there health benefits of baking soda and lemon juice…

I want to put the spotlight to one seemingly humble health alternative.

Matter of fact, baking soda is actually one of the most useful…

Baking soda and lemon juice combinations are a popular home remedy.

People’s experience in using baking soda and lemon juice…

They say it improves skin, good for treating heartburn and whitening teeth.

So is baking soda a proven natural product you could use?

Sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda…

Did you know sodium bicarbonate was used 3500 B.C by Ancient Egyptians.

However, it really took off in popularity in the mid 1800s.

(The iconic Arm & Hammer baking soda brand was launched in 1846.)

Growing research reveals baking soda is a highly effective product…

You could use it for almost everything from health, home cleaning and garden.

Below is a short-list of baking soda benefits…

(Backed by the most research with brief practical tips on how to use it). 

Baking Soda for Oral Health: 

Baking soda has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

Also freshens breath, so it’s great for oral health.

Simply mix half a teaspoon full in a half glass of warm water…

Swish around in your mouth for 30 seconds and spit it out.

Soothing Canker Sore Pain: 

Canker sores are small ulcers which form inside the mouth.

Research shows baking soda is excellent for easing pain of canker sores.

Heartburn Remedy: 

Research shows this “folk remedy” can work for acid reflux or heartburn.

Mix a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of cold water and drink it slowly.

Help Sunburns, Itchy Skin, Bug Bites, Bee Stings: 

You can either take a bath in 1 to 2 cups of baking soda.

You could target specific areas on your body by creating a paste.

Simply add a touch of water to baking soda and mix to create a paste.

(For sunburns, add oatmeal to the paste which works even better)

Removing Calluses: 

Calluses are hard patches on skin…

Calluses can form on feet or hands caused by long term friction.

Soaking in a solution of baking soda and water…

This has shown to soften and eliminate calluses.

Exfoliating Face Mask: 

Because of its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties…

Baking soda can be a very effective exfoliator.

Add 1 to 2 tablespoons baking soda, juice of a half of a lemon…

And tablespoon of honey (add a touch of water if too thick).

Gently apply to your face (don’t scrub)..

Allow it sit for about 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse.

Boosting Body Weight Exercise Performance: 

body weight training

Consuming baking soda may help you perform at your peak for longer.

Research shows this is especially true for high-interval training.

(Note: Because you would consume a mixture of baking soda and water prior to exercise, some people may experience side effects like nausea or stomach upset)

Slowing Kidney Disease: 

Research shows consuming baking soda can significantly slow kidney failure.

But talk to a health professional prior to using it for this purpose.

Side effects of sodium bicarbonate can include:

  • Headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Thirst
  • Stomach pain
  • Excess gas
  • Frequent urination
  • Swelling of lower limbs
  • Fatigue

Lemons contain many essential vitamin and minerals…

Lemon juice contains many beneficial compounds which are also antibacterial and antioxidant properties.

However, lemon juice is acidic.

And using too much can cause side effects which can include:

  • Enamel loss
  • Tooth decay
  • Acid reflux
  • Nausea and vomiting


Baking soda and lemon juice mixtures provide popular health benefits.

And people do use it for skin care, teeth whitening, heartburn and indigestion.

Bear in mind, baking soda and lemon juice offer health benefits on their own.

However, don’t go overboard.

Test with small dosage to see if there are any adverse side effects.

Baking Soda