Pistol Squat Variations Using Clubs for Improved Strength and Mobility

Taking your bodyweight training to the next level using clubs with pistol squat, cossack squat and dragon squat variations…

A pistol squat, also known as a one-legged or single leg squat.

It’s an advanced bodyweight exercise where you squat using only one leg.

Are pistol squats effective?

It can be one of the most challenging unilateral bodyweight exercises.

Yes, it can be difficult to achieve at first…

If you’re familiar with pistol squat, you can try this more difficult version.

You’ll see how to benefit from this Air element sequence:

  • Infinity switch front dragon squat
  • Mill front front dragon squat
  • Side flag front dragon squat
  • Overhead extension front dragon squat

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Odin’s day with Tengu day of wisdom, music and poetry…

Okay how do you feel?

Did you enjoy this pistol squat challenge variation?

Great to hear…

Next on the list is push/pull elements using 20kg club. (2 x 12 kg clubs)

You’ll be doing push / pull variation of elements using bodyweight exercise.

This is an intuitive new system for monitoring your health.

Tap or click the Play Button below…

Pistol Squat

Pawel Widuto

Pawel Widuto – Founder Of Tengu Element Cycle System®️ 👺 Norway

Tengu Element Cycle System:

Using element cycles can help to gauge exactly where your imbalances are.

And you can adjust accordingly.

Simply by using appropriate techniques, tools, intensity and periodisation.

The practical usefulness of high-level education provided by Tengu ECS and a cutting edge understanding of good exercise technique.

If you combine with the Element Cycles you’ll ensure you are able to train and remain healthy for a long time to come. Click here to visit Pawel Widuto website.

Kettlebell Deck Squat Windmill

Kettlebell Deck Squat Windmill is actually a deck squat/deadbug chest press/windmill combination.

I love kettlebell complexes…

And this one is sure to please if you’re looking for a wholistic drill that places a specific emphasis on strengthening your core.

Tap or click play button below to see how to get the most from
Kettlebell Deck Squat Windmill…

Kettlebell Deck Squat Windmill.

About Kevin Rail:

Kevin is an internationally known and sought after fitness coach.

He is featured in the documentary films, “Fasting” and “The Motivation Factor” by Doug Orchard Films.

He specializes in functional training, core training, three-dimensional movement, motivation and Restorative Arts.

Kevin has a B.S. in Sport Management/Fitness & Wellness and is certified through ACSM, NASM and ACE.

Restorative Arts involves the use of classical training tools like:

Indian clubs




All the movements are based of circles, spirals and figure-eights.

Kevin instructs on how to do these patterns and integrate the tools into your daily practice.

Not only are they good for posture, flexibility, and injury correction and prevention…

All these exercises and movements also help improve brain function.

Aside from his work online…

He trains individuals and small to large groups in person.

It is his belief that unity is the secret sauce for making lasting changes with the mind and body.

That’s what he strives to build with group training.

And unlike the typical “3 sets of 10” modality…

Kevin takes a more holistic approach where he helps people to make behavioral changes related to:





Health and life issues

He is also a firm believer in quality of movement.

Before you’re ever handed an implement in one of his sessions, you will first be shown how to move well.

His philosophy is quality of movement trumps quantity of weight.

When Kevin is not wearing his coaching hat, he can be found playing music or writing a fresh new article.

He is quite the accomplished musician and writer, and has even authored a recipe book called Act of Nutrition.

Click here to visit Kevin Rails website

Functional Movement -Functional Fitness Training

Functional movement is a great way to start each day…

Would it be a wonderful and overwhelming experience at the same time?

Maybe it looks simple or not quite as easy as you think?

Functional movement is like creating and connecting neural pathway…

You’ve got to retrain your brain to think this way.

Functional movement using body weight to strengthen your muscles.

This functional fitness is different from traditional training programs.

Functional movements, functional fitness training improves the way your brain talks to your muscles so your body works better…  

Why is functional movement important?

Functional movement exercises involve full-body motion and engage the stability muscles, which are extremely important in minimizing injuries.

How often should one do functional training?

Progression. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends resistance training two to three times a week.

A minimum of 48 hours rest between circuit training is required for adequate recovery.

You could do one set of 8 to 12 repetitions 2 times a week if you’re just beginning…

Pawel Widuto – Founder Of Tengu Element Cycle System®️ 👺 Norway

Tengu is based on simple principles, mechanics that all understand.

The universal laws that have been with us since the beginning…

The beauty and diversity of human movement with an artistic touch.

This is my life…my play… purpose I put my whole self into.

We are here to express and experience things.

To create our reality the way we see fit.

For me – the way I live, how the events in my life unfold is clear and it all goes in a Circular pattern, all fuelled by contracting and expanding forces

Life’s essence in movement.

From the smallest sub-particles, atoms, cells, muscles, heart, lungs, body mechanics, consciousness, tides, planets, and the universe…

It pulsates, vibrates, contracts and expands in the fantastic rhythm.

Rythm that we are able to attune to.

Our four main elements are the qualities, are the faces of You…the aspects of both our physical existence, mental, emotional and spiritual one.

The fifth element is You.

The All,You that is able to express, experience and evolve

You are in the center of the Element Cycle, free to choose the direction you focus upon.

You are in charge. Always.

“We do not merely exercise the physical body; we also invite the aspects of soul that have wandered, or fled, to fully reinhabit our vessel.” Beth Baker


This tool is used in diagnostics, intensity management and periodization of our coaches and has been tested in the fitness industry in the last 5 years.

Tengu ECS will bring the balance to the fitness industry.

Balance it demands and deserves. Tengu ECS is the most natural holistic health management tool our coaches are proud to have in their toolbox.

Our task is to connect and bind all the spheres we are made of:

The physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, and give real people education to be able to manage their own health and wellbeing.

Tengu ECS is the first true Holotropic system in the fitness industry and cutting edge training method that people of all fitness levels can access.

We do not do circus tricks! We use structured health-centered strength training to create optimal function and well-rounded development.

A long distance runner may have poor upper body strength and can struggle to perform a basic squat.

A yoga practitioner may struggle to pick up heavy objects.

These are just a selection of very general examples…

The point is we aim to educate and provide the platform to safely allow people to balance all aspects of their health and fitness in order to create a high level of preparedness.

We need to be equally as fit in our mobility and flexibility as we are in strength or core stability.

The system we use to facilitate our ability to manage our health is the Elements cycle.

This will give you the paradigm to understand your own physical needs and also to be able to address the issue quickly and safely.

This paradigm forms the basis of our level one TENGU ECS Movement Coach Level 1 Certification.

It can be used as a diagnostic tool to see what elements of your training are lacking or overworking.

It can be used to plan your periodization so you can safely train every day.

It can also be used to structure your actual workout on any given day.

The practical usefulness of high-level education provided by Tengu ECS and a cutting edge understanding of good exercise technique combined with the Element Cycle will ensure you are able to train and remain healthy for a long time to come. Click here to visit Pawel Widuto website.

Functional Movement