Beta Glucan

Why is this mushroom nature’s strongest disease-fighting immune booster?

This mushroom may be the easiest food you can eat to improve your health.

And the answer may shock you…

Says Professor Somsak Varakamin of the Panacee Medical Center in Thailand.

He describes beta glucan as “the world’s most powerful immune booster.”

In a medical crisis, if you were limited to only one food to protect your health and immunity…

Without exception it would be the humble mushroom.

Mushrooms have no leaves, roots or seeds and don’t need light.

So they’re not a true vegetable.

And in context to nutrition…

The U.S. Department of Agriculture considers mushrooms to be vegetables.

Why? Because they provide many of the same nutritional attributes of vegetables

The mushroom is a natural food already recognized for its immune-enhancing properties in Japan.

In fact, specific mushrooms are licensed for use in cancer treatment.

A supplement maker in the United States is allowed to make health claims for beta glucan.

And that’s very unusual for a food supplement…

Still you won’t be surprised to learn it has not been approved for a patent.

Okay, so you’re thiking what makes beta glucan so special…

If you’re over 40, read every word carefully and pay close attention.

Regain youthful vigor, sharper memory and become healthier.

In weeks or even days (enjoying vitality of someone half your age).

Did you know there’s a molecule in your body designed to keep you youthful as long as possible?

You see, once you hit forties, your body’s levels start to decline rapidly.

By the time you’re 60, they’ve dropped by nearly 50% or more!

It’s a major reason why people feel tired and run-down all the time…

They’re more forgetful and some would say spacey, stiff, sore and achy.

It also helps explain declining vision, gray hair, weaker heart, wrinkled skin…

And the list goes on.

The signs of “old age” don’t have to be inevitable.

According to top scientists at Harvard and Stanford…

It’s now possible to live to 120 and beyond.

All thanks to this new breakthrough discovery which impacts many areas of health.

Beta glucans are natural fiber molecules.

They’re long-chain polysaccharides (complex sugars) help to strengthen cell walls of yeast, fungi and some bacteria.

They are also found in the endosperm (a part of the seed) of grains such as oats and barley.

Research into beta glucan has been going on for many decades, with tens of thousands of publications covering its benefits.

Cholesterol: Total and LDL (bad) cholesterol decreased significantly in human studies of beta glucan derived from oat fiber extract.

The Food and Drug Administration felt the evidence was compelling enough to approve cholesterol-lowering health claim for beta glucan two decades ago.

That’s why a box of Cheerios is legally allowed to say “can help lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet.”

Diabetes: Soluble fibers of beta glucan are able to modify the digestion of starch and improve glucose response after a meal.

In a review of studies conducted in 2014, researchers from Brazil concluded that “ingestion of BGs was efficient in decreasing glucose levels of diabetic patients.”

Cardiovascular disease: Short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are known to benefit many aspects of the cardiovascular system, such as maintaining the health of the endothelium — the inner lining of blood vessels. In human studies, circulating SCFAs have been shown to increase after consuming beta glucan from cereals.

Infections: Two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials demonstrated that beta glucan from brewer’s yeast reduced the incidence of colds in healthy volunteers.

In the first trial, the supplement reduced the number of symptoms by a quarter compared to placebo. In the second, a much larger percentage of volunteers in the beta glucan group avoided catching colds compared to the placebo group (15.6% vs 2.0%).

In another study, firefighters who took beta glucan had 23% fewer upper respiratory tract infections compared to those taking placebo.

How beta glucan fared in cancer studies

There have been about a hundred studies looking at the effects of beta glucan on cancer cells. Most of these have been conducted on cells cultured in a lab dish, but there have also been some human trials that included glucans as part of conventional cancer treatment.

In vitro (cell culture) studies found that beta glucan inhibited growth of human breast cancer cells by inducing cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis (programmed cell death). The supplement was also effective against gastric and prostate cancer cell lines.

In animal studies, there was a significant increase in the survival of mice with Hodgkins and non-Hodgkins lymphoma in those taking glucans in combination with the cancer drug rituximab, compared to the groups taking either glucans or the drug alone.

In various other animal studies, beta glucan killed human ovarian cells by triggering apoptosis, reduced metastasis in ovarian cancer, lung cancer and melanoma, delayed tumor growth and protected against radiation injury.

Human studies show extended survival and improved quality of life in patients with advanced gastric, prostate and colorectal cancers.

How does beta glucan improve immunity?

Beta glucan differs widely in its structure, properties, activity and effects. Not all beta glucan molecules bolster the immune system. The ones that do are derived from baker’s yeast or medicinal mushrooms such as shiitake or reishi. These are referred to as 1-3, 1-6 beta glucan due to their chemical structure.

Beta glucan does not boost immunity as such. It is considered to be an immune modulator that primes the immune system so it’s much more vigilant, improving the system’s response when it’s confronted with a rogue molecule or microbe that poses a threat to the body.

When taken into the body, beta glucan is broken down into smaller particles over the course of several days. These fragments are then able to lock on to certain receptors found on the surface of most of the immune system’s white blood cells. (The specific receptor is complement receptor 3.) This puts the immune system’s main defense mechanism on high alert.

Fights cancer four ways

Beta glucan improves immunity to fight cancer on four fronts.

  1. With beta glucans bound to their surface, macrophages – the body’s first line of defense – and natural killer cells, become highly activated to perform more optimally. Both of these are immune system cells. Natural killer or NK cells are deemed especially important in fighting cancer cells.
  2. Beta glucan also stimulates the influx of new immune cells from the bone marrow, where these cells are generated. This creates a more rapid flow into the various lymphoid organs.
  3. In response to cancer cells, antibodies bind to them with fragments of complement proteins, but often the response is weak. The immune cells primed by beta glucan recognize these antibody-complement complexes to allow for a far stronger immune response.
  4. Beta glucan allows non-specific stimulation of the immune system by activating cells to produce tumor necrosis factor, interleukins and interferon – all of which are important immune molecules.

The research of Vaclav Vetvicka

Vaclav Vetvicka, Ph.D., professor of pathology at the University of Louisville, is one of the world’s leading authorities on beta glucan. When it comes to stimulating the immune system, he regards beta glucan as “a class apart.”

Beta glucan, he writes, “will help protect you against cancer and many other illnesses that would normally be eradicated by a strong and fully functioning immune system.

“Glucans are the most significant anti-cancerous immune-stimulant that we are aware of. It is certainly effective against many carcinogens, so your risks of cancer would be greatly reduced.”

For those who choose to undergo chemotherapy, Dr. Vetvicka continues:

“Beta glucans…will protect your immune system cells whilst allowing the drugs to do their job on the cancerous ones. Production of white blood cells will start again very quickly after your chemotherapy treatment, so you will recuperate a lot quicker.

“Studies have also shown increased survival times when patients took beta glucans at the same time as chemotherapy, compared to those who did not.”

What type of beta glucan to take

To improve immune system response, beta glucan must be taken either as 1-3, 1-6 or 1,3-D glucan sourced from either mushrooms or brewer’s yeast.

Since beta glucan is bound with fats and proteins in cell walls, extracting it from these other complexes to create as pure a product as possible is the key to manufacturing a supplement that will be effective. An impure product reduces the ability of immune cells to recognize beta glucan and bind to it.

As there are so many products in the marketplace, Dr. Vetvicka and a colleague decided in 2010 to test their effects on four aspects of the immune system.

They found considerable differences in the effectiveness of the 16 brands tested. Some had “surprisingly low activity,” with purity ranging from 70%, which is considered to be very low, to an effective high of 85%. The brand that outperformed the rest was Glucan 300 from Transfer Point in Little Mountain, South Carolina.

The research was repeated in 2014. Glucan 300 was again included as a benchmark to test against 15 newer brands that were all different from the original study. This time they looked at six parameters of immunity. They found that “in every tested reaction, the Glucan 300 was the most active sample.”

While there may be effective brands that were not tested, as well as new brands that have come along in the last three years, the results of independent testing suggest that Transfer Point is the company of choice if you want to have confidence in your purchase.


Amazing Arnica – Incredible for Pain and Inflammation

Arnica is beneficial for treating bruises, sprains, muscle soreness, and muscle spasms often associated with sports activity.

Arnica is also used to treat muscular aches, joint pain, and arthritis. It is believed that the arnica plant has anti-inflammatory properties…

Does Arnica speed up healing?

Arnica helps speed up the healing process of bruises and wounds by helping the body to produce white blood cells.

This helps to clean up congested blood and disperses trapped fluids from affected area.

Firstly, let’s take a closer look at what’s wrong with inflammation…

Some people think nightshade plants like tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant cause inflammation and should be avoided most of the time.

While others say nightshades are fine, and that eliminating foods high in lectins is the key to reducing inflammation.

The answer for many people, the problem with inflammation is it continues.

Their immune system works much harder and gets stuck on overdrive.

Over a period of time…

Elevated stress starts to take a toll on normal everyday bodily functions.

In fact, it can add to stress levels affecting mood, energy and metabolism.

Longer term can even cause the body to attack itself!

What if inflammation doesn’t stop?

Inflammation puts stress on the immune system which can break down.

And may increase the risk of many other dangerous health conditions.

There is a lot of conflicting information about what foods actually shut down inflammation…

Inflammation starts out as a good thing.

If you stub your toe or get an infection…

Inflammation triggers your body to remove the invaders in their tracks.

Usually, it’ll go away on its own so your body can heal itself.

The problem happens when inflammation does not shut down on its own.

That’s what doctors call “chronic inflammation”…

Chronic inflammation can make the body attack itself.

And it can cause damage to:

Coronary arteries

Nerve cells

And make cells duplicate uncontrollably…

Chronic inflammation is directly linked to heart attacks, strokes, Alzheimer’s, and cancer.

What about pain and inflammation…

Okay, let’s talk about how inflammation relates to sport.

I love mountain trail bike riding…

Best part of living in the mountains is having access to nature.

Located Warburton, Victoria, Upper Yarra Valley ranges is on my doorstep.

There are lots of great hiking, running and mountain bike riding trails.

Yes, we are talking about rocky and steep trails.

I was riding down a very steep rocky trail the other day…

As I’m flying around a sharp bend…

I put my foot down on a rock the wrong way!

And boom come crashing down to a screeching stop.

Let me explain…

The pain was excruciating.

I tried to stand up and quickly found my ankle wasn’t responding!

It was a long walk back home, and given the current controversy about whether to ice injuries, I decided not to ice it, but to take some arnica that I keep around. I went from barely walking and in a lot of pain to walking normally on day three! I was amazed!

The arnica not only helped the swelling and trauma, but it helped the pain immensely—I didn’t even have to resort to Ibuprofen or Tylenol, both of which have serious health and liver implications.

Arnica, on the other hand, is a completely natural homeopathic remedy that is so effective and widespread, that even physicians and surgeons now recommend it to their patients to reduce pain, trauma, swelling, bruising and inflammation. Arnica helps to naturally speed healing to the affected area.

Arnica has been recorded as being used all the way back to the 12th century as a healing agent. It has been used extensively in Europe for literally thousands of years.

The most common type of arnica is Arnica Montana which is part of the daisy family. The daisy family contains several members which are used medicinally, including echinacea, calendula chamomile, yarrow, and dandelion.

Arnica contains a substance called helenalin, which is a potent anti-inflammatory. It can be used for traumatic injuries, surgery, or even just aches, pains, insect bites, and sore muscles. Since Arnica helps to decrease swelling, it also decreases pain associated with swelling. Arnica also stimulates the body’s healing processes and actually speeds up the time it takes injuries to heal.

Arnica is available in a variety of different forms, including topical oils, creams, gels, and ointments; as well as oral capsules and sublingual. Generally, the topical forms work best for superficial injuries and inflammation, and the oral capsules or tablets work for deeper injuries or trauma.

Arnica is excellent for treating the inflammation of osteoarthritis as well as injuries. This study done in 2007 and published in the Rheumatology International shows topical arnica as effective as an NSAID drug like ibuprofen in the treatment of the pain and stiffness of arthritis. Got sore, achy knees? Try arnica. Another study from Switzerland showed arnica’s effectiveness for moderate arthritis in knees, as well. In addition, arnica is effective at treating the pain, inflammation and stiffness from carpal tunnel syndrome in the wrists.

For us athletes, especially aging athletes, arnica oil is a godsend for inflammation, muscle soreness, and exercise-related injuries like sprained ankles. Applying arnica topically after a hard workout or training session can be very effective at reducing inflammation and muscle damage. In this study, participants who used arnica had less pain and muscle tenderness 72 hours after intense exercise, according to the results published in the European Journal of Sport Science.

Arnica is also known to stimulate white blood cells and to help flush out the toxins that accumulate in an injured joint or wound, speeding healing and easing pain. Arnica contains thymol (also found in thyme) which is a vasodilator. In other words, it dilates the blood vessels and even the tiny capillaries, which helps to increase circulation, cleaning out the wound and easing swelling.

Other uses for arnica include treatment for headaches, back pain, mouth and gum pain, and even leg cramps. One odd use for arnica oil is that it actually can stimulate hair growth, so it may be effective to add to your daily hair routine. Regular scalp massages with arnica oil can actually stimulate the hair follicles to grow new, healthy hair.

How to Purchase Arnica…

Arnica is available in oil, tincture, homeopathic ointment, cream, salve and pills or capsules.

Since arnica is considered a homeopathic treatment, the potency is important.

Lower dilutions are shown by smaller number next to the numeral X, C, etc., which means it has a higher concentration. For pills, look for homeopathic pills with 30x dilution. For oral products, potencies usually range from 4X-200C depending on the manufacturer.

Topical Arnica can be much higher, and it is common to find higher potencies such as 1X to 6X.

(1X being the stronger potency.)

Arnica is toxic if it gets inside the body.

It is best to not apply arnica on broken skin or open wound.

Arnica is also not intended to be taken internally.

You could use homeopathic pills or capsules containing small dose of arnica to not cause harm.

Arnica oil can be found at health and supplement stores or online.

Look for arnica oil that has few other added ingredients.

Typically it will need to be diluted with a high-quality base oil such as olive oil, almond or grapeseed oil.

Some people may be sensitive to the compound helenalin found in arnica.

If you develop a mild rash, then you may be helenalin-sensitive and should stop using arnica.

Arnica is one of the best, natural, pain-killing, trauma-soothing, healing substances you can use.

Yes, defintely a good foundation to always have topical arnica in your medicine cabinet.

Arnica is simply amazing!


Medical Mushrooms for Bodyweight Training?

“Medicinal Mushrooms and How to Use Nature’s Original Superfoods…”

Want to know how to improve your body, performance and reduce inflammation all at the same time…

The therapeutic results with scientific research continues to expand.

In fact, medicinal mushrooms have earned a rightful place within integrative medicine.

Think of mushrooms as nature’s original “superfoods.”

Mushrooms are rich sources of unique therapeutic compounds including:

  • Lipids
  • Proteoglycans
  • Polysaccharides
  • Alkaloids
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Enzymes
  • Antioxidants

All these have proved and demonstrated complex beneficial relationships within biological systems.

Listen, did you know there are over 270 species of medicinal mushrooms…

Yes, many of which continue to gain scientific attention for their abilities to control and influence:

  • Immunity
  • Fight cancer
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Decrease cholesterol
  • Reduce oxidative
  • Reduce stress
  • And protect against radiation damage

These medicinal mushrooms offer powerful support.

Support immune, digestive, hepatic, renal, endocrine, neurological health and more…

Mushrooms are truly magical.

They’ve been used for centuries as both food and medicine.

There are 270 species of mushroom known for various and specific medicinal properties.

People have been eating mushrooms for over 2,000 years.

And today we know healthy fungi can provide many beneficial compounds.

Including anti-inflammatory…

And anti-cancer powers, among many other valuable properties.

Many edible mushrooms are loaded with antioxidants, minerals, fiber, many compounds important for daily good health.

While mushrooms are still harvested in their natural habitats…

Our ability to cultivate many different types of mushrooms has improved greatly in recent decades.

And, there have been many studies confirming their beneficial properties in recent years as well.

Confirming traditional uses and new applications for health benefits.

A lot of the attention has been focused on the anti-cancer properties.

Including various immunological properties of mushrooms for supporting health:

  • Liver protection
  • Anti-viral
  • Anti-diabetic
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antihypertensive
  • And anti-inflammatory

Inflammation is the body’s response to disease or an injury right?

Inflammation is a protective mechanism and important part of the healing process.

However, what happens if it becomes excessive and chronic?

Excessive inflammation can influence a wide range of health problems.

In fact, many of today’s most common ailments like diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity and even cancer…

So many different diseases are linked to chronic inflammation.

The good news…

There are certain types of medicinal mushrooms which offer medicinal properties.

These medicinal properties inhibit the inflammation process in all sorts of positive ways.

And if you’re a bodyweight trainer you certainly want to reduce inflammation…

We all want to keep our body healthy, powerful and strong.

Medicinal mushrooms are types of fungi which are especially potent.

Reishi mushrooms are a genus of polypores found growing on wood.

This type can be differentiated by other polypores with a double-walled basidiospore. They’ve been around for centuries, used by emperors and other royals, particularly in Chinese medicine, but overlooked in western cultures for years. They’re best known for supporting the liver, enhancing the immune system and battling cancer. Until the 1970s, reishi mushrooms were hard to find and very pricey, but when the process of growing this mushroom inside on a larger scale was discovered, more and more people started discovering the many benefits of reishi and enjoying dramatic improvements in their overall health.

Reishi, officially known as Ganoderma lucidum, has been revered as the mushroom of immortality in many Asian regions for centuries. Ancient people utilized it to sharpen memory, calm the mind, enhance qi (life force) and promote longevity. The mushroom is shaped like a kidney and comes in several different hues, including yellow, red, purple, black and green, with red being the most common.

Lab tests have demonstrated that bioactive compounds from reishi offer immunomodulatory, anti-aging, anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory properties. Just like other anti-inflammatory foods, they contain a number of important anticancer nutrients too, including antioxidants. Experts believe one of reishi’s most beneficial components is its polysaccharides, a water-soluble kind of nutrient known for its antitumor abilities. Research has also found these mushrooms to help reduce inflammation related to rheumatism, asthma, and inflammation of the membrane that lines the eye and eyelids without notable side effects.

Reishi, along with Maitake and Shiitake mushrooms, is also a standout as it contains a high level of an impressive compound known as beta-glucans, something that’s remarkable for its ability to boost the immune system.

Lion’s Mane Mushrooms

Lion’s mane mushrooms, also referred to as bearded hedgehog, bearded tooth mushroom and bearded tooth fungus among others, is a nootropic food that’s especially popular in traditional Chinese medicine, particularly notable for its medicinal benefits to the nerve system and brain, with the potential ability to help treat mild cognitive impairment, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, anxiety, leg cramps and more.

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Japanese research published in 2015 revealed that this mushroom that looks a bit like the scruff of a lion, was able to decrease inflammation in fatty tissue, an important find as fatty tissue inflammation is a factor in the formation of metabolic syndrome, something that raises your risk of developing diabetes, stroke and heart disease.

The potent anti-inflammatory properties of lion’s mane are also believed to help digestive functioning. A number of studies have found that it can help protect one from gastric ulcers or shrink them in those who’ve already developed them. Other research has shown that it may significantly improve systems of two major inflammatory conditions related to the digestive system: inflammatory bowel disease and gastritis.

Cordyceps Mushrooms

Cordyceps sinensis is a mushroom made up of a rare combination of a caterpillar and fungus found in Sikkim, India at altitudes of over 14,000 feet. Traditional healers in this area have often recommended it as an “all illnesses tonic,” thanks to its ability to improve energy, stamina, appetite, libido, endurance, and sleep. Also referred to as caterpillar fungus, unlike other fungi that grow on trees or in the soil, it grows out of the body of an underground moth larva. That means that the complete fungus is made up of a dried caterpillar, with the mushroom’s fruiting body protruding from its head.

Cordyceps is highly valued as a medicinal mushroom in traditional Tibetan and Chinese medicine, often prescribed to treat fatigue as well as to heal and soothe the lungs and kidneys. Traditional Chinese medicine has used caterpillar fungus for treating night sweats, high blood sugar, kidney dysfunction, irregular heartbeat, liver disease, sexual dysfunction, respiratory disease and more.

Experts believe the cordyceps’ many anti-inflammatory benefits are derived from its ability to fight oxidation damage, positively affect the immune system, and stimulate protective cells that help to keep the body free from mutations like infections and cancerous cells. Supplements with these mushrooms are considered a kind of natural immunopotentiating drug, something that’s used to help the immune system regain its strength after a serious illness or infection. This fungus helps to control excessive inflammation and tissue damage, as well as to speed the time it takes to heal.

Traditionally, both males and females consumed tonics made from Cordyceps to boost the libido and enhance reproductive functioning, which makes sense considering that reducing inflammation levels, something that’s at the root of most illnesses and diseases, may naturally improve fertility. They can also improve blood flow and help the body utilize oxygen better, factors for improving sexual function.