5 Reasons Indian Clubs Are Weird And The Ultimate Functional Training Tool

Why bodyweight fitness enthusiasts think Indian clubs are weird? Because you’re grinding away for weeks, months or years. Maybe you’ve got the steps of fitness down to a daily routine. You know there are all types of specific and different tools… But something’s not clicking. If you’re already into bodyweight training… And the above excites …

Bodyweight Strength Training Workout

Structuring Real Life Functional Strength… Bodyweight training doesn’t have to be like how everyone else plays the game… You can be doing the complete opposite, right? What if you want to be exercising and thinking outside the box? The healthy lifestyle choice it not the same path for everyone… Why? Because it takes guts. Guts …

Why Functional Fitness?

What’s The Importance Of Functional Training? Are you ready working out for real life situations? More and more people are using functional training…some argue it’s the only way to train for real results. Functional – Func.tion.al: 1. capable of operating or functioning 2. capable of serving the purpose for which it was intended (Webster’s Encyclopedia …