Most Effective Way To Combat Fatigue

Do We Live In a Society of Tired and Worn Out People? Many people spend their whole day behind a desk. Many do jobs that consume energy by actually sitting around all day. Physical energy is not being used, yet it still makes us feel zapped and much more tired. Physical movement produces energy and increase …

Hunger vs Cravings – Do You Know The Difference?

Women’s fat loss and what is the differences between hunger vs cravings? A lot of women have problems recognizing the difference between hunger and cravings. You may feel the urge to reach for a bag of chips with salsa… What if that feeling hits two hours after dinner? Well, it’s more likely you need food …

Want To Become a Human Flag?

The human flag is an exercise that requires control and enormous strength… You’ve got to be able to engage shoulder girdle where it meets torso to form a rock solid controlled core which has tensile strength of steel… What benefits do you get from doing the flag? Great grip strength, shoulders lats, obliques and quadratus …