5 Reasons Indian Clubs Are Weird And The Ultimate Functional Training Tool

If you’re already into bodyweight training…  (Body weight is literally you). Seriously…for a second you thought I was kidding. Fitness is ability to do activity with least amount of effort. Ok, lets prove the point and test a ridiculous experiment. Most body weight exercises are compound movements… And that movement hits multiple muscle groups all …

Are Functional Fitness Exercises Right For You?

Functional fitness exercises train muscles to help you do everyday activities… *Please note this resource is only one small piece of the puzzle. Highly recommend reading this to understand better. Fitness is what you need to achieve personal growth. Before we dive deep, I want you to understand this… Fitness equipment are tools just like …

Most Effective Way To Combat Fatigue

Do We Live In a Society of Tired and Worn Out People? Many people spend their whole day behind a desk. Many do jobs that consume energy by actually sitting around all day. Physical energy is not being used, yet it still makes us feel zapped and much more tired. Physical movement produces energy and increase …