Get Stronger and Leaner – Winning Advantages of Cross Training for Functional Fitness…
Cross-training also means circuit training in two or more areas in order to improve fitness and performance, especially in one core sport.
Quick example…
Rollerblades have become popular as a cross-training tool for cyclists, skiers, and runners.
What does the winning advantages really mean to you and your fitness?
Dear Friend,
The concept behind cross training is the harder you train your body for just one activity…
And the more stress you put on all the muscles and bones involved in that one activity…
The more you practice, the better you get…
Also bear in mind the more you risk overuse and greater your risk of injury.
So, no matter what age or ability you’re at right now from elite athlete to couch potato…
No problem, keep reading because this short special report is dedicated to you…
What makes functional fitness and cross training so revolutionary?
Cross training can help transform your life by transforming your fitness results…
Want to get stronger and leaner with more power for everyday life?
Your success depends on a sustainable routine that’s simple, repeatable and fits into your lifestyle.
Cross-training in sports and fitness refers to combining exercises that work the full body or various parts.
What happens when one particular exercise or activity works certain muscle groups, but not others?
Cross-training simply eliminates those gaps and weaknesses so you can excel to the next level…
Is your goal to improve your overall health, well-being and performance?
Cross training, essentially allows you to tweak workout routines in any way you want to increase your athletic performance and overall fitness.
All sorts of people including professional athletes from ball players to golfers, tennis players to swimmers make cross training part of their regimes…
Cross-training is the principal strength and conditioning program for many police academies, special forces commandos and tactical operations teams.
In fact, military special operation units, champion martial artists, elite and professional athletes worldwide are amongst the fittest people in the world.
Cross-training exercises can be done anywhere…
And with any type of equipment at a moments notice.
Physical fitness is defined as a general state of health and well-being.
The ability to function well on different sports and activities.
For some people, performing sports and an active lifestyle is not enough, they want more.
The more challenging it is the better…
After all, there’s nothing better than conquering your weakness and beating the impossible.
To break free with the norms of fitness training, more and more people are discovering the benefits of cross-training.
Cross-training takes advantage of the various elements, movements, exercises done at a relatively high intensity.
A type of training which tests not only your physical capability…
It challenges your mindset, your will and determination to succeed.
Are you ready?
And can you do this?
Can you finish these gruelling workouts?
Can you break out of your comfort zone?
Can you achieve whatever you believe you’re not capable of?
Cross-training has a lot of benefits…
Primarily, cross-training style workouts enhance your power for everyday life.
Improves your body’s overall functionality by increasing body strength and endurance.
Weight training can add value with another level of vital components to cross-training.
The integration and involvement of dumbbells, kettlebells and barbells, carefully added to each workout is very effective in strengthening muscles.
Cross-training also promotes perseverance by aiming to carry heavier weight through constant training and practice.
Functional fitness improves core strength which is a crucial benefit of cross-training…
It’s a sport with safety precautions in place, usually done with close supervision from professional personal trainers and/or specialized cross-trainers.
Cross-training can also take advantage of specific equipment….
The goal in using equipment is to take advantage of particular strengths and effectiveness of each training, right?
While at the same time overcoming any shortcomings of a method.
Cross-training is the bridge between combining one method with others to address all weaknesses…
Cardio equipment can be great for cross-training making use of rowers and exercise bikes.
These machines enhances stamina and endurance which is vital for cross-training.
Key is proper warm-up and conditioning before proceeding to high intensity workouts.
A warmed-up body and muscles reduces the risks of injury via cross-training.
As you may already know, cross-training integrates aerobic exercises, through to cardio blasts and strength exercises all the way through to body weight and free weights training.
Gymnastics and Olympic weight training components are also integrated in cross-training.
Gymnastics improves balance, flexibility, full range of motion as well as strength.
Olympic weight training, evidently, is for strength purposes but it also beneficial on your posture and focus.
It may look effortless seeing someone carrying 100lb barbell, yet this sport involves serious training and focus.
Aside from optimising physical aspects such as endurance, stamina, range of motion, strength, speed, balance and precision…
Many people are exploring cross-training for its weight loss benefits.
The integration of various extreme exercises burns loads of calories compared to your usual gym training.
Cross-training is a holistic approach to fitness training and it is very popular…
If you’re looking to start your cross-training, you’re at the right place.
When choosing the right exercises for cross-training, choose the highest level of mastery.
If you’re going to use equipment, make sure it’s of high quality to withstand extreme pounding.
It’s time to prepare for victory…every benefit you want from cross-training is within your reach.
You just need to challenge yourself and beat the odds.
You can breakthrough mediocrity of traditional fitness training.
Discover what you can achieve with cross-training…
If you consistently do cross-training workouts, you’ll be ripped, strong and ready for action.
Cross-training is for REAL people wanting real fitness results…
Yes…you have a personal choice to be a big winner in the game of life.
And what you do in response is what separates men from boys or women from girls.
The tweaking, testing, poking, prodding, hoping and praying…
Testing all the various cross-training combinations of each and every exercise and workout element until you finally hit the right combination can make your training work like gangbusters for you.
I’m curious to hear from you, let me know what you think.
Reach Your Peak
John Mignano
No 1 Bodyweight Training Team
P.S. That’s the power of cross training so be prepared to sweat because you deserve to reach your peak!
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