If fitness, exercise and health is important to you, you need a quality training program…

Let’s face it, there are lies and misinformation, often deliberately spread by the fitness industry.

Keep reading to discover the lies, misinformation and most common mistakes.

The fact, is most people join a gym with expectation they’ll get support with quality training programs…

Dear Friend,

After all this is the age of fitness, technology and healthy lifestyles.

In context to your fitness, exercise and nutrition, which do you need help with most?

Let’s dive a little deeper into one key area…exercise.

Seriously it’s time for brutal honesty…

You’re here because you want fewer injuries and to get better results in your life, right?

Which of these is the greater obstacle?

You allow self doubt and fear to get in your way?

You try to do too many exercises and get overwhelmed?

You’re afraid if you try one exercise program and it won’t work, it means you’re back at square one?

If you started enjoying better results, are you sure exactly how to keep on track?

Everyday you can see the results of countless people doing useless and ineffective, even dangerous exercises.

If you want to count the number of common mistakes the list would be almost endless.

And if you take a closer look and recognise any of the traps and are making any one of the mistakes in your own training…

You’d be smart to fix them as quickly as you can. Why?

Because you deserve to get significantly better and more meaningful results, right?

The key aspects critical to maximizing your time and effort is to get the best results.

They say being well-rounded is good, right?

The truth is well-rounded in fitness really means having a lot of variety.

The problem is you have specific personal needs and goals, which determine what you do, how you do it and how much you do…

There’s only so much time and energy you want to put into exercises in order to get the best results, so every movement you do is structured to be the most effective.

You want to be focused, on purpose and make every exercise movemnet count.

You don’t want to add more movements just to be well-rounded, does that make sense?

Machines with weight-stacks are very popular for beginners and loved by bodybuilders.

You see, as a gym owner it’s far easier to sell you on the benefits of a room full of machines than empty space.

Let’s take a look at this from a gym owner’s and marketing perspective…

Do you feel like you have something to gain like a skill, life experience by using machines that could really help you get results?

You get absolutely far more functional fitness benefits from using simple free weights, resistance bands and body weight exercises.

Let’s briefly define why machines are popular?

Machines were initially introduced for rehabilation.

Machines are designed to isolate muscle groups instead of making them work together…

Machines allow people to let core muscles relax, reduce the need for muscle control and coordination.

In other words, just take balance completely out of the picture…

What if you opt for free standing versions of similar exercise movements to get the best results with functional fitness?

Using free weights are challenging…

The key is increasing muscle size and strength.

Unfortunately most people get way too comfortable with weights they use, so they aren’t really challenging their body any more.

A lie, misinformation and common mistake is to increase number of reps, instead of increasing amount of weight lifted.

What if you keep reps in the 10-15 range and continually increase weights to maintain the challenge?

You could even use resistance bands to increase intensity.

What if you’re doing 45-60 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio like most people?

You can get even better benefits from your cardio routine in only half the time simply by using high intensity intervals (HIIT).

Increasing intensity burns far more calories in way less time.

Intensity increases fitness much more effectively and really ramps up fat burning.

So you benefit from shorter and far more superior cardio workout.

What if go hard for 60 seconds and then took it easier for two minutes?

So, the next time you are training think about your fitness in context to mobility, stability and functional strength using the above simple, yet effective exercises.

If you’ve already read info covering stability with planks and variations, why not integrate the dynamic exercise movements with core stability?

We haven’t even mentioned you can even do them at home…

You just might be surprised by your stability and functional strength with best results…ever.

Let’s make sure you’re getting most benefits from your fitness in context to time and effort.

Published by Body Weight Training

Success doesn’t come without it's price and challenges. We often face difficult problems, overcome and tackle every obstacle head-on. We face distractions, wrong or bad advice. The struggles, and wasted time ends up holding us back. Hi, my name is John Mignano. This isn't another course. It's ongoing, and updated based on real-world experience and battle-tested strategies. Hopefully you'll explore and fill the gaps about functional fitness. Why some protocols work and most don’t. I'll show you how to train using tools I've developed, mindset, intensity, and ways to improve using different exercises to spark success with sustainable results. You decide for yourself…

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