Suspended fitness can quickly help improve your strength, stability, balance and core strength…

Suspended fitness or suspension training creates an unstable environment for activation and involvement of muscles surrounding primary joints used in the exercise, not just prime movers.

Want to increase your body weight strength and stability with suspension trainer exercises?

You just might find suspension training is fantastic for your body weight training.

Body weight suspension training is gaining international recognition as a revolutionary form of exercise…

Dear Friend,

Activate more muscle and engage your core with every move, suspended body weight training helps your body to stabilize, balance, delivering incredible strength.

Suspended training environments causes the core to be in a complete and constant state of activity in every exercise.

Suspension training is fantastic at addressing the following key areas which affect performance:

  • Core strength
  • Hip strength and stability
  • Hamstring and glute strength
  • Ankle and knee stability
  • Movement synchronization on a single leg

Core strength stabilization is required to maintain proper alignment, body position and body balance.

You need to be able to stabilize muscles around joints…

More muscles are activated to stabilize (distal segments) while in an unstable environment.


suspension training

For example…proximal and distal segments of arm and leg.

The humerus is the proximal segment of arm; carpals, metacarpals and phalanges are distal segment of arm.

Femur is proximal segment; tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges are distal segment of leg.

This type of whole-body engagement are very demanding body weight exercises which can be used to build strength.


suspension training strength

When doing suspended training, one or more body parts are destabilized…

The suspension strap creates a significant increase in muscular demand, causing muscle chain involvement to work and contract together at an increased level of intensity.

Just compare exercises where range of motion and line of movement are fixed or controlled.

For example with most machine based strength exercises…

Stabilizer muscles are challenged to maintain joint integrity as muscles work to produce smooth movement.

You need to manage the constant movements caused by the suspension straps (unstable environment).

suspension training stability


Training under loaded instability causes complete activation of prime muscle movers:

  • Suspension training strength
  • Suspension training stability
  • Suspension training balance 

Balance with the sense of relative position of parts of your body and strength of effort being used in movement (proprioception) with core stability are all closely linked to each other.

An increase in one or two results in an increase in the other…

Suspension training balance places the body in a position of destabilization while under load.

suspension training balance


This creates a challenging position where your body awareness must be developed to enable core and other joint stabilizers to manage correct posture and body position.

As your body awareness and core control increases, this allows you to better control your body position and produce more effective movement in progressively more challenging positions.

This increased ability to generate power and fluid movement in an unstable environment directly transfers to overall increased performance in virtually every sport and daily activity.

Suspended fitness is very athletic, creating stability and body awareness challenges which emphasize muscle firing sequences and movement patterns.

These exercises transfer directly to movements found in sport and daily life.

Suspended fitness training offers exercises that enhance better functionality, coordination, whole body movements…

And can create challenging, sport specific variations requiring more power and agility.

suspended fitness

Suspended fitness can be used as a key athletic component for most sports…

Suspended fitness training provides you with one of the most versatile and best tools to get the most from your functional fitness training.

Adding suspended fitness training to your regular routine can help you to improve your strength, functionality, performance and fitness results fast…

Suspended Fitness

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