Bodyweight Training – Building Muscle Naturally

“How to Effectively Maximise Your Diet (kinds of foods you eat) For Muscle Growth” What if you knew you could effectively gain more muscle mass and strength with less training? You might be wondering how to build muscle naturally? Did you know the secret to maximise muscle building is in your nutrition? When it comes …

One-Arm Hammer Plank – Core Strength and Stability with Ripped Abs

“How to Get a Flatter Stomach, Improve Core Strength and Stability with Ripped Abs Using One-Arm Hammer Plank” This bodyweight exercise is a very challenging version of the plank. The plank targets the anti-rotation function of the deep core muscles. It has the potential to develop serious core strength and stability. To do this exercise …

Pistol Squat Bodyweight Exercise

“Here’s How to Get Maximum Results Using Pistol Squat One of The Best Bodyweight Exercises For Legs…” The pistol squat or single-leg squat is a unique bodyweight exercise because it combines strength… Flexibility and grace in a manner unlike many other movement. Pistol side squat is essentially a freestanding one-legged squat. You’re coming down with your non-supporting leg shooting …