What Are You Eating and Drinking?

“How Do Functional Foods Help To Keep You Healthy And Your Energy Levels High?”

Functional foods may have physiological benefits or reduce risk of chronic disease beyond nutrition…

May be functional foods look similar to foods consumed as part of your regular diet?

Functional foods?

Is it a better way to choose zero processing and loads of flavor?

Are these functional foods with extra ‘healthy’ ingredients added?

Is it the answer to a range of conditions from high cholesterol to iodine deficiency?

But are they real health food or just hype?

Hmn…are you one of many which primarily eat processed foods?

What’s more important to you?

For example, do you even realize what exactly it is you’re eating?

You see, there is a very important overlooked recent study…

This study revealed consumers drinking soda were ingesting more fructose than labels showed.

No big deal right?

Did you know most sodas and sweetened beverages including juices…

Are almost entirely marketed and consumed by growing children!

And these do not list high fructose corn syrup on the label.

Listen, many drinks were found to contain more fructose than beverages which did list on the label.

What if you found what ends up being consumed in these beverages is neither natural sugar nor HFCS?

In other words, a chemical concoction of fructose-intense which could increase your risk for diabetes…

Including cardiovascular disease and liver disease.

This is ONLY one example of the many lies and mistruths you are exposed to on a daily basis.

Perhaps you think this is another good news story by the food industry…

Lets just step back for a moment and look at the facts vs fantasy.

You already know eating at “fast food” restaurants is positively associated with households with children right?

And high fat diet with body mass index (BMI) is increasingly important…

Especially for our children’s health.

So does it make sense the food companies labeling is not accurate?

The average American consumes 23 teaspoons of added sugars and sweeteners per day.

Matter of fact when AHA recommendation is 5 to 9 teaspoons daily for adults.

It is okay for children to consume 15 teaspoons of sugar per day…

How inaccurate and deceitful is the food industry?

In 2008 eight fast food hamburgers were scientifically assessed.

The assement was organized to determine hamburgers actual content.

The results…

Fast food hamburgers do not contain hardly any meat (median, 12.1%).

Approximately half of weight is made up of water.

Unexpected tissue types found in some hamburgers included:

  • Bone
  • Cartilage
  • Plant material
  • Sarcocystis parasites

(tests discovered findings in 2 hamburgers)

This means 25% of hamburgers contain parasites!

Do you need to pay attention…

Just ask yourself what are the underlying motivates?

Is it detrimental to eat genetically modified organisms (GMOs)?

Did you know 88% of corn and 93% of soybeans are genetically modified?

Compare this with less than 20% of crops genetically modified in 1996 (18 years ago).

This is what the food industry says is self-regulation…

And this is how to openly sell unhealthy foods in schools, label and market to our children.

Only one periodic assessment to determine compliance is being met.

And this has been funded by their own industry, not a third party group.

You know food companies operate just like tobacco companies…

Which should come as no surprise since Philip Morris bought Kraft Foods in 1988.

Did you notice how easy and profitable it is to combining emerging food science…

And increasingly use ruthless marketing tactics by big tobacco companies.

Who do you think owns the BIG food companies…

And the invention and heavy-handed widespread push of high fructose corn syrup?

It must be all coincide right?

Nothing at all with the timing of current obesity pandemic!

A so called non-existent “pandemic” which has skyrocketed since 1970s.

So why do you wnat to pay attention to food additives and preservatives?

Just maybe some may be harmful to your body?

Took a closer look and decide for yourself:

  • Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA)
  • Propyl gallate
  • Aspartame 
  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
  • Acesulfame-K
  • Olestra
  • Potassium bromate
  • Saccharin
  • Sodium sulfite

When you’re making so called healthy functional food choices…

YES! You’ve heard it all before and you’ll hear it again…

Simply eat your fruits and vegetables!

There is no doubt a diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables offers a whole host of health benefits.

This includes protection from:

  1. Heart disease
  2. Stroke
  3. High blood pressure
  4. Some types of cancer
  5. Eye disease
  6. Gastrointestinal problems…

Eating healthy can be part of an alternative treatment against illness.

In addition, fruits and vegetables can positively help fight back effects of aging.

It is know some fruits and vegetables are good natural sources of vitamin A.

And others are rich in vitamin C, folate, and potassium.

Vegetables have antioxidants, minerals and phytochemicals.

What you’re looking for is actual color of vegetables.

This helps your body’s immune system to fight toxins and inflammation.

Almost all are naturally low in fat and calories, none have cholesterol…

And many are great sources of fiber.

Fruits and vegetables also add wonderful flavors, textures and colors to your diet.

Phytochemicals are bioactive non-nutrient plant compounds in fruit, vegetables, grains and other plant foods.

These have been linked to reductions in risks of major chronic diseases.

It is estimated more than 5000 phytochemicals have been identified.

Still a colossal percentage remains unknown and need to be identified before their health benefits are fully understood.

However, more and more convincing evidence suggests real benefits…

The phytochemicals in fruit and vegetables may be even greater than is currently understood.

This is because oxidative stress induced by free radicals is involved in etiology of a wide range of chronic diseases.

Most people should aim for at least nine servings (4½ cups) of vegetables and fruits a day.

Go for a variety of kinds and colors of produce to give your body a mix of nutrients it needs.

Best choices are dark leafy greens, cooked tomatoes and rich yellow, orange or red colors.

If you care about your health you’d want to eliminate as many of these additives…

As many as possible right?

Does it require you to do a little more research?
Yes! A little…
However are the results are even more accurate?

You better believe it. 🙂

Ultimately if you want to reap health of benefits from eating and and exercising.

Just maybe it pays to eat real functional foods!

First step is to read and understand the ingredient list…

Your body knows exactly what you are eating.

In fact you are what you eat so make the smart choice easy.

Go for simple and most delicious foods which are natural and actually good for you.

So, functional foods are they a healthy choice or hype?

Functional Foods


1. Eicher-miller HA, Fulgoni VL, Keast DR. Contributions of processed foods to dietary intake in the US from 2003-2008: a report of the Food and Nutrition Science Solutions Joint Task Force of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, American Society for Nutrition, Institute of Food Technologists, and International Food Information Council. J Nutr. 2012;142(11):2065S-2072S.

2. Nyenje ME, Odjadjare CE, Tanih NF, Green E, Ndip RN. Foodborne pathogens recovered from ready-to-eat foods from roadside cafeterias and retail outlets in Alice, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa: public health implications. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2012;9(8):2608-19.

3. Available at: //www.nutritionjrnl.com/article/PIIS0899900714001920/. Accessed June 29, 2014.

4. Skatrud-mickelson M, Adachi-mejia AM, Mackenzie TA, Sutherland LA. Giving the wrong impression: food and beverage brand impressions delivered to youth through popular movies. J Public Health (Oxf). 2012;34(2):245-52.

5. Available at: //www.theguardian.com/world/2014/feb/07/fake-food-scandal-revealed-tests-products-mislabelled. Accessed June 29, 2014.

6. Jeffery RW, Baxter J, Mcguire M, Linde J. Are fast food restaurants an environmental risk factor for obesity?. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2006;3:2.

7. USDA, ERS (2012) Loss-Adjusted Food Availability.

8. American Heart Association (2009) Dietary Sugars Intake and Cardiovascular Health.

9. Available at: //www.bbc.com/news/health-27941325. Accessed June 29, 2014.

10. Prayson B, Mcmahon JT, Prayson RA. Fast food hamburgers: what are we really eating?. Ann Diagn Pathol. 2008;12(6):406-9.

11. USDA, ERS (2012) “Genetically engineered varieties of corn, upland cotton, and soybeans, by State and for the United States, 2000-12.”

12. USDA, ERS (2012) Adoption of Genetically Engineered Crops in the U.S.

13. Sharma LL, Teret SP, Brownell KD. The food industry and self-regulation: standards to promote success and to avoid public health failures. Am J Public Health. 2010;100(2):240-6.

14. Brownell KD, Warner KE. The perils of ignoring history: Big Tobacco played dirty and millions died. How similar is Big Food?. Milbank Q. 2009;87(1):259-94.

15. Available at: //abcnews.go.com/Business/story?id=88088. Accessed June 29, 2014.

16. Available at: //www.nytimes.com/2013/02/24/magazine/the-extraordinary-science-of-junk-food.html. Accessed June 29, 2014.

17. Caballero B. The global epidemic of obesity: an overview. Epidemiol Rev. 2007;29:1-5.

6 Optimal Brain Health Food Boosters

“What Are The Best Brain Health Foods for Brain Function and Memory?”

Your brain is highly sensitive to diet and lifestyle, foods you eat do impact on how your brain functions…

YES! You can eat certain types of the right foods to improve the health of your brain.

Every bite of food has some form of natural and chemical toxins which prompts the immune system to kick in…

And fight back against this stress through inflammation.

Basically your body recognizes these as though stress is an infection.

While inflammation helps protect you against illnesses and help maintain and repairs your body…

When you have chronic inflammation this is an entirely different kind of stress.

A stress that’s been linked to autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, anxiety, high blood pressure and more.

In fact, most people unknowingly suffer from intolerances to processed food, grains and dairy.

What kind of food is really good for your brain?

The most effective omega-3 fats which are found naturally in oily fish in the form of EPA and DHA.

Good plant sources include linseed (flaxseed), soya beans, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and their oils.

These fats are important for healthy brain function, the heart, joints and our general wellbeing.

In fact, there are guidelines for optimizing your diet which will make your brain work better.

Brain health foods no matter what your age…

What does this all have to do with food?

Actually a lot because your gut helps keep your body’s immune responses and inflammation under control.

You see, your gut hormones enter the brain or are produced in the brain influence cognitive ability.

This affects understanding and processing of new information.

And how to stay focused on task at hand and recognizing when you’re full.

Brain foods rich in antioxidants, good fats, vitamins and minerals provide energy…

This in turn helps to protect against brain diseases.

So when you focus on giving your body whole, nutritious foods…

You are providing benefits to your gut as well as your brain.

You’re actually benefiting your minds and body while keeping you in tip-top shape.

Here are 6 brilliant ways you can use to boost and tweak your diet for optimal brain health….

1. Simple to load up on fiber

Dietary fiber nourishes gut bacteria that create short chain fatty acids.

These [fatty acids] have been shown to boost protective proteins in the brain like BDNF.

In fact, what they call a miracle growth protein because it helps promote neuroplasticity and neurogenesis.

To ensure you get your daily intake of fiber you can eat salads every single day.

Include cauliflower, broccolini and red cabbage.

These are full of prebiotic fiber, which helps reduce inflammation of the body and boosts BDNF.

Salads provide abundance of nutrients and make it really easy to check off so many of your nutritional boxes…

2. Avoid sugary junk foods

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know processed food is not brain health food!

Eating processed foods filled with chemicals and added sugar can cause your blood sugar levels to rise.

And when your blood sugar is chronically elevated it inflames (scorches) interior of veins and arteries.

In fact, it creates a process called glycation which results in damage of blood vessels (protein) are made of.

This spells trouble for your brain.

You see, the brain is fed nutrients which is glucose and oxygen by 400 miles of microvasculature arteries.

Chronically elevated blood sugar damages these arteries.

According to brain researcher up to 40 percent of Alzheimer’s cases may be linked to chronically elevated insulin levels.

Giving foods with added sugar the boot helps keep your insulin hormones at a healthy levels.

And improves your odds of warding off the disease.

3. Eat lots of mushrooms

Next time you’re planning your  meal consider brain-boosting portobello mushroom burger.

Doctors and scientists have long been touting powerful effects of mushrooms if you eat them on a regular basis.

And thanks to a recent study we finally know why….

You see, it turns out mushrooms have on of the highest natural source of two extremely powerful antioxidants…

Ergothioneine and glutathione.

Yes, both of which have been linked to longevity.

The study shows a strong correlation between mushrooms a reduced risk of dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

When shopping at your local farmers’ market choose porcini mushrooms to get biggest antioxidant bang for your buck.

Alternatively, white button mushroom variety is loaded with all the good stuff, too.

4. Drizzle Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) on everything

Thanks to powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols found in olive oil…

It’s an easy way to ramp up your brain power of whatever you have on your plate is to add extra-virgin olive oil.

It’s been shown to have almost drug-like properties in terms of its benefits on the brain and body.

Firstly, extra virgin olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties.

This helps protect against illnesses like cancer and heart diseases.

Also encourages your body’s internal-cleaning mechanism (autophagy) which is important for long-term brain health.

5. Indulge in moderation

It’s health and better for you to not indulge in diet rich processed junk foods.

Especially bread including some carbs and grains…

If you want to eat brown rice or  sweet potato eat in a way that works for you.

When it comes to all foods and health benefits in relation to portioning some are better than none, right?

Now, it doesn’t mean you should eat too much.

Look, even is the food is super healthy like cruciferous vegetables…

Kale, bok choy, Brussels sprouts they can cause health issues if consumed in excess.

6. Make room on your plate for meat

Unless you’re a super-strict vegetarian consider adding red meat to your diet.

In context to your brain health, grass-fed organic red meat is a health food without question.

Of course there’s really unhealthy meat and really healthy meat.

The vast majority of evolution points to ancestors would have never given up the opportunity to eat nutrient dense meat.

In fact, researchers speculate it’s not only access to meat, cooked meat actually catalyzed the growth of our brains.

You’d be far better to regulate your diet and if it means adding beef or collagen-filled chicken drumsticks 2-3 times a week…

There are nutrients in meat to help your brain work better,.

Studies by UCLA found red meat improved cognitive function of children in developing world.

Research suggests women who add red meat to their diet were able to cut their risk for depression and anxiety disorder in half.

Again, just regulate what you eat when meal-planning.

While you’re boosting your brain function you can also add some nootropic supplements into your daily mix…

Best foods for the brain? 

Avocado is one of the healthiest fruits you can eat.

Avocados often are misunderstood because of their high fat content.

Look, it’s important to consider these green powerhouses are packed with monounsaturated fats which stabilize blood sugar levels.

And are awesome for healthy glowing skin.

Avocado provided vitamin K and folate to help stop blood clots in the brain…

And protects against stroke as well as improve cognitive function, especially improve memory and concentration.

Also rich in vitamin B and vitamin C, (this vitamins aren’t stored in your body and need to be replenished daily).

Avocado has highest protein and lowest sugar content of any fruit.

Beetroot seem to be an intimidating food for many people even vegetable lovers.

Beets are root vegetables and are one of the most nutritious plants you can eat.

Beetroot reduces inflammation, are high in cancer-protecting antioxidants and help flush your blood of toxins.

The natural nitrates in beets actually boost blood flow to the brain and this helps with mental performance.

Now, during tough workouts beets actually help boost energy and performance levels.

Blueberries are a fruit with so many amazing health benefit !

Blueberries are one of the highest antioxidant-rich foods around high in vitamin C, vitamin K and fiber.

Because of their high levels of gallic acid, blueberries are especially good at protecting your brain from degeneration and stress.

Bone broth is probably the ultimate food for healing your gut.

However, bone broth is really great for healing your brain.

Packed full of health benefits to boost your immune system, overcoming leaky gut, improving joint health and food allergies.

Bone broth contain high levels of collagen to help reduce intestinal inflammation…

And healing amino acids like proline and glycine to help keep your immune system functioning properly.

Again its amazing to help improve memory because it truly helps heal your body from inside out.

Broccoli is one of the best brain foods out there with high levels of vitamin K and choline.

Broccoli helps to keep your memory sharp, its loaded with vitamin C.

In fact, just one cup provides 150 percent of your recommended daily intake.

Its high-fiber levels mean you’ll feel full quickly, too.

Celery has very few calories and does offer a lot of health benefits as well.

Celery has high levels of antioxidants and polysaccharides which act as natural anti-inflammatories.

This helps alleviate symptoms related to inflammation like joint pain and irritable bowel syndrome.

Because it’s so nutrient-dense and packs loads of vitamins, minerals and nutrients with very little calories…

Celery is a great snack option if you’re looking to shed pounds.

Coconut oil is without doubt one of the most versatile and high on list as good for you.

And when it comes to your brain coconut oil delivers a full spectrum of health benefits, too.

Coconut oil works as a natural anti-inflammatory to help suppress cells responsible for inflammation.

It can help with memory loss as you age and destroy bad bacteria which hides in your gut.

Get your daily dose of coconut oil…

Dark chocolate can actually be good for you!

Yes, dark chocolate is loaded with flavonoids, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

This in turn helps lower blood pressure and improve blood flow to your brain and heart.

TIP: Most of the chocolate you see on supermarket shelves is highly processed with hardly any health benefits.

The rule of thumb is the darker the chocolate. with at least 70 percent of cocoa contain more health benefits.

This ensures you’ll get your healthy brain benefits!

Egg yolks contain large amounts of choline which helps in fetal brain development for pregnant women.

This also breaks down bethane a chemical that produces hormones related to happiness.

Eat eggs  and you feel happy…who knew huh?

Studies show eating eggs have no effect on cholesterol levels of healthy adults.

And might help raise good cholesterol levels as well.

Rosemary oil has a variety of benefits, however did you know carnosic acid is one of the main ingredients in rosemary…

And this helps protect the brain from neurodegeneration.

It does this by protecting the brain against chemical free radicals…

Which are linked to neurodegeneration, Alzheimer’s, strokes and normal aging in the brain.

Rosemary oil helps protect eyesight from deteriorating because of the high levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

If you love your seafood, get excited, because salmon is truly one of the most nutritious, brain food-friendly foods out there!

Salmon is packed with omega-3 fatty acids to help keep your brain running smoothly ­and improved memory.

The best healthy benefits are found in Alaskan wild-caught salmon.

Farm-raised and some wild caught salmon can be filled with mercury and toxins.

Turmeric provides amazing health benefits, this ancient root has been used for its healing properties throughout history.

Curcumin is chemical compound found in turmeric…

Curcumin spice is actually one of the most powerful and natural anti-inflammatory agents.

Turmeric helps boost antioxidant levels and keeps your immune system healthy…

While improving your brain’s oxygen intake.

It keeps you alert and able to process information.

Next on the list as it turns out is walnuts which can keep you from going nuts!

A small handful of walnuts a day can improve your cognitive health.

Walnuts contain high levels of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to help improve mental alertness.

The vitamin E in walnuts can help ward off Alzheimer’s.

So go ahead, grab a handful of walnuts or add a few walnuts to your brain boosting smoothies…

Brain Health Foods

Intensify Chin-Ups With Range-of-Motion Triple Add Sets

“If You Want to Build Your Back There IS No Better Bodyweight Exercise Than The Chin-Up!”

It’s one of the best overall exercises you can do for ANY body part…

The training strategy I’m going to share with you today is a going to take your chin-ups to a whole new level of effectiveness…

Yes by targeting each of the three primary muscle fibers in one giant set.

Click PLAY button to see this intense method in action it’s called Range of Motion Triple Add Sets Chin-Ups…


The concept is very similar to the Triple Drop Set in that you’ll be breaking up the set into three distinct parts.

In this case, however, instead of changing the WEIGHT plates…

You’ll be changing the range of motion you’re performing the exercises in.

Part 1:

You start with a lighter weight and do very high reps (30+) to target the Type 1 slow twitch muscle fibers.

Part 2:

The second part is a moderate weight, moderate rep-range set of 6 to 8 reps.

You increase the weight over the previous set. This targets the Type 2a fast twitch muscle fibers.

Part 3:

The third part of the set is a heavy weight, explosive set of 1 to 3 reps.

This targets the Type 2b explosive-oriented muscle fibers.

The result is total workout of all 3 major muscle fibers types, it’s incredibly effective (incredibly tough, too!)…

THIS version of the Triple Add Set uses changes in range of motion of an exercise instead of changes in resistance, in order to target those different muscle fiber types.

You can do this with just about any exercise…

And the best part is, you can use it with bodyweight exercises (like the chin-up) where you CAN’T adjust the resistance or where the least amount of resistance you can use is still too much for very high reps (like the chin-up, for most people).

Just FYI, you’ll need to be strong in the chin-up before attempting this one.

You can do it on the pulldown machine, if you’re not able to do at least 10 or more full-range chins in a row.

So here’s what this extended set will look like.

Part 1 – Lockouts…

A very short range of motion at the top of the chin-up.

You’ll do just the top few inches, moving fast and going for very high reps.

Range of Motion Triple Add Sets with Chin-Ups...Hit ALL the Muscle Fibers in Your Back in One Extended SetRange of Motion Triple Add Sets with Chin-Ups...Hit ALL the Muscle Fibers in Your Back in One Extended Set

Take 10 seconds rest…shake out the lactic acid a bit then get ready for…

Part 2 – Half Reps

You’ll do the top half of the range of motion, staying just above the sticking point of the chin-up exercise.

Go for tight form and about 6 to 8 reps (get as many as you can, while keeping good form, but that’s probably about what you’ll hit).

Range of Motion Triple Add Sets with Chin-Ups...Hit ALL the Muscle Fibers in Your Back in One Extended SetRange of Motion Triple Add Sets with Chin-Ups...Hit ALL the Muscle Fibers in Your Back in One Extended Set

Take 10 seconds then get ready for the last part of the set…

Part 3 – Full Range Reps

These are going to be TOUGH even if you’re strong on the chins.

You will have fully worked strongest parts of the range of motion (above sticking point) so should have some gas left for the bottom.

At this point, the ENTIRE range of the exercise is going to be challenging because of how we’ve exhausted the movement pattern.

Range of Motion Triple Add Sets with Chin-Ups...Hit ALL the Muscle Fibers in Your Back in One Extended SetRange of Motion Triple Add Sets with Chin-Ups...Hit ALL the Muscle Fibers in Your Back in One Extended Set

When you’re done, take at least 90 seconds to 2 minutes rest then go again.

I would suggest no more than 2 or 3 rounds through on this style of training.

It’s incredibly demanding and hits all the major muscle fibers in your back.

It will also challenge nervous system because of the sheer number of reps you’re doing, even though they’re not all full range of motion.

I can promise you will have a MASSIVE pump in your back and arms after your first set of these.

And this is a great plateau-busting technique…

And like I said, if you can’t do at least 10 reps in the chins to start with, do these with pulldown instead (same concept in terms of range of motion…partials with the bar down near your chest, then half range then full range).

Range of Motion Triple Add Sets Chin-Ups!

By Nick Nilsson

Flying in the face of conventional wisdom, Nick Nilsson is known around the world as the “Mad Scientist of Muscle” for a reason. Nine-time published author and fitness expert Nick Nilsson enters his lab every day with one obsession to experiment with and deliver something better, the kind of mind-blowing, extraordinary resistance training exercises that get results FAST.

An expert in kinesiology, physiology and anatomy, Nick’s driving passion is helping people create the body they want, especially when nothing else seems to do the trick.

Want MORE Highly Effective Stomach-Flattening Exercises Like Seated Elbow Desk Pushdowns?

For more of Nick’s unique bodyweight training methods, check out http://www.thebestbodyweightexercises.com