Unstable Push-Ups

“The Basic Push-up Is a Staple of Any Bodyweight Routine!”

However, once you start getting more advanced with the exercise, one of the best ways to increase difficulty is to increase instability.

And by increasing the instability of the push-up…

You can involve more muscle fibers of the chest.

Also challenge your core more aggressively all at the same time.

Here are a number increasingly difficult unstable push-up variations you can do…


Stage 1 – Dumbbell Push-Ups

Set two dumbbells on floor in approximate hand position.

Typical spacing you’d use for a push-up…

You will essentially be using the dumbbells as push-up handles.

The plates on dumbbell should be round (meaning they’ll roll) for maximum instability.

Use fairly lightweight dumbbells, e.g. 15 to 20 pounds each, so they’ll move around more.

Dumbell Push-Ups

This variation by itself is an excellent exercise for beginner to intermediate trainers.

You may do this variation with your knees on the floor.

(If you’ve not yet developed the strength for regular, full push-ups.)


Stage 2 – Swiss Ball Push-Ups

Set large Swiss Ball (inflatable exercise ball) on floor where you’ve got space.

Place your hands on the floor in your regular push-up position…

Next step is set your legs on top of Swiss Ball.

Your shins should be on the top of the ball…

Placed slightly to the sides so you can use them to maintain your balance.

Swiss Ball Push-Ups

Do push-ups in this position.

You will find that the ball will shift around as you are doing the exercise.

And you’ll be forced to move your body around to keep your legs on top of it.

The ball rolls slightly forward with you as you drop down to the bottom of push-up position.

Roll slightly back as you push yourself up…


Stage 3 – Swiss Ball/Dumbbell Push-Ups

Now that you’ve experienced instability at both ends of the push-up.

Next step is to put them both together and feel the burn!

Be sure you are comfortable with other two progressions before attempting this one.

And be sure you are not too close to anything should you lose your balance and roll off.

Set dumbbells up as you did in Stage 1…

And set the ball up as you did in Stage 2.

Place your hands on the dumbbells first then set your legs on the ball.

Now do push-ups on three rolling, unstable surfaces.

Make sure you come down and get a full range of motion.

The dumbbell handles allows you to go further down than if you were doing them on floor.

The first few reps may feel easy but as you continue…

You will notice a burning sensation in the deep muscle fibers of your chest.

Keep going…

This is where it gets good.

You’re hitting muscle fibers never effectively worked by standard chest exercises.

And if you think you’re getting a burn on the first set, just wait till you do a few more sets.

You’ll feel it across your abs and sides too.

The reason this exercise is so effective is simple: complete instability.

Since vast majority of chest exercises are performed in a reasonably stable position…

There are some muscle fibers that never get fully worked.

They aren’t required to work because you’re stabilized.

By placing your legs and both hands on independently moving objects…

You demand massive amounts of stabilizing work on the part of your pecs.

Your pecs never normally get this work with most chest exercises.

You’re stabilizing your entire body and limbs while you’re moving yourself up and down.

All this intense stabilizing work fires many more muscle fibers.

Much more than normally required for push-ups…

Resulting in a tremendously effective exercise for the chest.


Stage 4 – One Legged Swiss Ball / Dumbbell Push-Ups

Note: This variation of the push-up is extremely difficult and should only be attempted by advanced trainers.

You’ll experience the ultimate in instability when you lift one leg off ball doing push-up.

Place your shin directly on top of the ball and grip the dumbbells strongly.

There will be a lot of side-to-side movement in your lower body due to the instability.

Keep your abs and back tight…

And fight to keep yourself on the ball while you’re doing push-ups.

One tip you can do to really take advantage of this increased fiber activation…

Try doing a superset…

And going straight to a set of machine presses where load is stabilized.

Since your stabilizing muscles are not being worked in the machine press…

All of your effort can go into finishing off your already fatigued pec fibers.

Instead of trying to balance yourself…

Unstable Push-Ups

Flying in the face of conventional wisdom, Nick Nilsson is known around the world as the “Mad Scientist of Muscle” for a reason.  Nine-time published author and fitness expert Nick Nilsson enters his lab every day with one obsession to experiment with and deliver something better, the kind of mind-blowing, extraordinary resistance training exercises that get results FAST.  An expert in kinesiology, physiology and anatomy, Nick’s driving passion is helping people create the body they want, especially when nothing else seems to do the trick.

For more of Nick’s unique bodyweight training methods, check out http://www.thebestbodyweightexercises.com

7 Unlikely Foods Which Trigger Body Inflammation

“Discover The 7 Unlikely Foods Which Trigger Body Inflammation!”

Health is the foundation for a happy life right? If health is not optimized everything else will be far more difficult… 

We all deal with stress and inflammation everyday.

And on a daily basis your body strives to adapt and stay healthy.

Do you feel like stress is overloading you?

Do you feel tired mentally and/or emotionally?

Do you sometimes feel burned out or edgy?

Want more stamina or endurance when challenged at work or for training?

You know for thousands of years long before marketing hype, supplements and BIG pharmaceutical companies…

Millions of people depended only on medicinal properties of locally sourced wild and edible plants.

Yes! Plants and herbs for healing power and optimizing quality of their daily lives.

You’re probably already aware of the growing trends of diseases with list of culprits which cause inflammation right?

Ok let’s start here…what causes inflammation?

There are a lot of know factors when it comes to inflammation here are some of the most common:

● Imbalance of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids

● Stress

● Insulin spiking foods

● Poor quality sleep

● Environmental toxins

● Fat cells

● Food sensitivities

● Microorganisms

Scientists have discovered fat cells aren’t just dormant receptacles of excess fat.

Fat cells actually secrete arachidonic acid…

Over time the runaway pro-inflammatory substances circulate throughout the body.

The more body fat cells within the body…

The more inflammation caused by taking-up precious space inside your body.

The shortlist is sugar, dairy and wheat…

However, did you know there are a lot of “healthy” foods which could be triggering inflammatory response?

Yogurt although considered by most to be a healthy snack…

Many yogurt brands have a surprising amount of added sugars and preservatives.

We all know sugar causes inflammation and other issues like unwanted weight gain.

If you eat yogurt, stick to infrequent servings.

Only consume organic brands containing NO added man-made sugars.

Even better make your own.

Tomatoes are part of the so called deadly nightshade family.

A group of plants like potatoes and peppers contain a compound called solanine.

Some people are sensitive to solanine and experience inflammation, joint pain, heart problems.

Bear in mind tomatoes, once cooked also become acidic to the body.

This isn’t a problem in moderation…

If you are constantly eating cooked tomato dishes and sauces it could cause over acidity and inflammation.

​Not all rice is created equal…

Highly processed white rice has little-to-no nutrition.

White rice is highly refined carbohydrate and quickly turns to sugar which can cause inflammation.

Wheat maybe you’d agree most people nowadays are turning away from white bread.

They’re reaching for whole-grain or whole-wheat bread products.

However, certain proteins in wheat (because of genetic seed modification) are completely unique and foreign to the human body.

Yes! This makes it indigestible and toxic.

And lots of people suffer from wheat allergies and sensitivities which result in inflammation.

Fruit Juice is convenient, fast and easy right?

​Commercial fruit juice floods your body with sugar quickly.

Over time this can cause inflammation response.

Pasteurization and fruit from concentrate lacks nutrients when compared to fresh-squeezed juices.

Salad dressing even your humble organic salad dressings are usually made from unhealthy fats and oils.

Unfortunately may contribute to inflammation in the body.

Why not take 2-5 minutes to make your own delicious about salad dressings.

Use simple ingredients already in your kitchen…

Omega-6 Fats (corn, safflower, sunflower, peanut and soybean oils)

You see, there’s an imbalances…

Omega-6 fatty acids (too much) and omega-3 fatty acids (too little) promotes inflammation in the body.

Most diets contains a lot of processed and fast foods containing abundance of omega-6 fats.

And not enough anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats.

In recent research published in the ​I n d i a n  J o u r n a l o f  P h y s i o l o g y  a n d  P h a r m a c o l o g y ​…

When 10 healthy volunteers consumed 500 mg of curcumin per day for 7 days…

Not only did their blood levels of oxidized cholesterol drop by 33%..

The total cholesterol dropped 11.63%…

And HDL (good cholesterol) increased by 29%

(Reference: Soni KB, Kuttan R).

You Could Add These Natural Anti-Inflammatory Foods Instead?

If you are suffering from an ailment rooted in inflammation…

You might be tempted to turn to drugs and medications for a quick fix.

Listen, in many cases this is unnecessary.

There are real, whole foods straight from mother nature which are​ packed with goodness.

Pure source of natural anti-inflammatory properties to help improve your health.

Herbs and Spices (Turmeric, Oregano, Rosemary, Ginger, Green Tea)

​These are packed full of beneficial bioflavonoids and polyphenols to help reduce inflammation.

And fight free radicals in the body.

Organic, Grass-Fed Meat…

​There is a significant difference between types of fat found in grain-fed beef and grass-fed beef.

Grass-fed is definitely more beneficial to a healthy anti-inflammatory diet.

Grass-fed contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids versus other fats.

The same can be said of organic eggs versus factory-farmed eggs.

That being said, red meat should be only be consumed in moderation.

Super Seeds (Flax, Hemp and Chia)…

​These are a rich and balanced source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Super seeds help the immune system from over producing cytokines and free radicals.

Cytokines ad free radicals cause inflammation and other health related issues.

Wild-Caught Fish…

Wild-caught fish are an excellent source of inflammation-fighting omega-3 fatty acids.

Leafy Green Vegetables

​These are rich in anti-inflammatory carotenoids, antioxidants and vitamins (especially vitamins K and E).

And it just so happens they’re super-easy to prepare!


Did you know research by the ​Oregon Health & Science University found tart cherries…

May be one of the highest anti-inflammatory foods on the planet.

This is because of high content of anthocyanins.

Powerful antioxidant compounds which lower inflammation at levels comparable to certain pain medications


Considered by many health professionals to be the healthiest foods in the world.

Berries are packed with anti-inflammatory properties.

Study after study has linked berries to longevity and reduced risk of illness and disease.

How cool is that?

How Do You Know If You Have Inflammation?

When your body becomes inflamed it basically means your detoxification pathways are suppressed.

And when this happens, toxins begin to build-up in your body leading to more problems.

Remember it doesn’t have to remain that way.

YOU can make healthy choices…

The power of your choice can open the floodgates.

Yes! Get your liver (detoxification with kidneys) functioning.

A sluggish liver equals a sluggish low energy body.

Ain’t nobody got time for that…

Are you experiencing:

● Erratic mood

● Redness and/or swelling in your joints

● Muscle fatigue

● Poor digestion/nausea

● Exhaustion

● Dry, itchy skin

● Waking up between 2am-3am for no apparent reason

● Red, itchy eyes

● Foggy thinking

If you answered YES to more than 1 of the above….

You may be dealing with poor liver function.

Simply it means a lagging and sluggish detoxification system.​

You can stop inflammation swirling around in your body.

In a recent study conducted to evaluate effects of turmeric on liver’s ability to detoxify xenobiotic (toxic) chemicals…

Levels of two very important liver detoxification enzymes…

(UDP glucuronyl transferase and glutathione-S-transferase)

The levels were significantly elevated as compared to controls.

The researchers commented…

“The results suggest turmeric may increase detoxification systems in addition to its antioxidant properties.”

Turmeric used widely as a spice can lower effects of several dietary carcinogens…

Want more information on the power of healing inflammation with benefits of turmeric?

Do yourself and other people a favor by commenting below, thanks appreciate you.

Cleansing Turmeric Tea

Here’s an added bonus for losing weight with anti-inflammatory turmeric tea…

Ingredients to serve four:

  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1/2 inch (12.7mm) raw ginger minced or grated
  • Honey and lemon juice to taste
  • Pinch black pepper


  • Bring four cups of water to boil
  • Add turmeric powder and ginger (skin removed)
  • Reduce to a simmer for 10 minutes
  • Strain tea through fine sieve into cup
  • Add honey and/or lemon to taste
  • Add a pinch of black pepper to increase absorption of turmeric

Note: Keep leftover tea in a glass container in fridge.

Heat up a cup a day for the next few days…


Want 6 Ultra Fast Fat Shredding Recipes?

“6 Super Easy Ultra Fast Fat Shredding Recipes For Everyday Better Results!”

Ready for 6 of the best fat shredding recipes I’ve personally used to support daily bodyweight training…

100% a no brainer to get better results…

You’ll enjoy the victory with sweet rewards as well.

So first up is breakfast…

A personal favorite simply because it gets the body fueled and fired up.

This specific fat shredding recipe is simple to get daily dose of essential healthy protein.



1 scoop 100% whey vanilla ice cream

3 whole or just egg whites (whichever you prefer)

1/4 cup water

1 tablespoon almond butter

2 tablespoons of honey or maple syrup


STEP 1: Mix ingredients in a bowl. If needed, add a bit more water.

STEP 2: Cook over medium heat.

STEP 3: Plate and spread 1 tbsp almond butter on top of the pancakes.

STEP 4: Sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of honey or drizzle with maple syrup.

STEP 5: If desired, add a few strawberries and bananas for extra sweetness!

Next on the list we have another extremely simple recipe…

It’s a refreshing “detox” beverage because preparation is easy.

Yes, a delicious drink in 3 easy steps…

And it won’t take more than 5 minutes!

This helps kickstart your body’s fat-burning metabolism…

And boosts your energy levels to much higher levels.

Yes! Cleanses and detoxifies your body of any impurities effectively helps healing your body from the inside out!

This beverage takes advantage of 2 natural ingredients:

Apple cider vinegar

Cayenne pepper…



1/4 teaspoon Cinnamon

1/2 or 1 teaspoon ground ginger

2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

2 tablespoon lemon juice

1 dash Cayenne Pepper

1 glass of water (12-16 oz.)

1 teaspoon raw, local honey (optional)


STEP 1: Warm water.

STEP 2: Mix ingredients together.

STEP 3: Serve.

This refreshing drink works better served warm.

You can choose to drink it at any temperature.

If you prefer that’s not so warm, here’s another refreshing beverage you can try.

It’s a coconut almond/hazelnut smoothie…

Another great high powered breakfast drink because it offers a lot of focused energy in the morning.

Helps boosts metabolism for the rest of the day as well.

In fact, helps to control your appetite and sugar craving as you won’t feel hungry until lunch.



3/4 cup low fat, organic, plain yogurt

4 tablespoon melted virgin coconut oil

1 tablespoon ground raw almonds or hypothyroid-friendly hazelnuts

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder

1 whole free range egg, raw (optional)

10 drops liquid Stevia


STEP 1: Put everything (except cinnamon) in a small blender and blend for 30 seconds.

STEP 2: Pour in a high glass, sprinkle with cinnamon, and enjoy!

What if you prefer simple juices?

Well you might want to try a fruity fat flusher?

Packed with plenty of fiber with delicious fruits and vegetables…

Helps to kickstarts your body’s fat burning metabolism into overdrive.



1 pink grapefruit, peeled

2 oranges, peeled

1 bunch mint

1 head romaine lettuce


STEP 1: Load all ingredients into a juicer.

STEP 2: Enjoy!

Any ideas for dinner tonight?

How about Chia seed chicken bites?

Absolutely quick and easy because they’re so simple to make.

You can prepare in advance, simply freeze for whenever you need a quick snack.

Best of all, your body gets a ton of fiber, antioxidants, protein, and omega 3 fatty acids to help with fat shredding…



1 pound organic, skinless, boneless chicken breast, cut into bite size pieces

2 cloves minced garlic

2 whole eggs

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon oregano

3/4 cup ground flax seed

1/4 cup chia seeds

1/4 freshly grated Parmesan cheese

1/2 teaspoon basil


STEP 1: Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Lightly grease a baking sheet or baking pan.

STEP 2: In a medium bowl, place flax seed, chia seeds, Parmesan cheese, salt, oregano, basil and garlic. Mix well.

STEP 3: In another separate medium bowl, place eggs and mix well.

STEP 4: Line up the bowls and place each piece of chicken into egg mixture, then flax/chia mixture. Lay onto prepared baking sheet until all the chicken is used.

STEP 5: Discard any remaining egg or flax mixtures.

STEP 6: Cook chicken for 25 minutes or until cooked through, making sure to turn over once halfway through. Serve immediately.

And the benefits don’t stop here.

Let’s get stuck into dessert with Matcha Green Tea Chia Pudding.

Apart from its fat shredding ingredients…

Matcha also contains a higher amount of antioxidants and chlorophyll than most other forms of green tea.

And packs a powerful yet mellow caffeine punch.

Best part is you won’t get the jitters like most other caffeinated beverages.

Also contains Vitamin C, potassium with important amino acids as L-Theanine (for relaxation and calmness).



2 cups hemp or almond milk

2 tablespoon agave nectar or maple syrup (optional)

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 teaspoon matcha powder

6 tablespoon chia seeds

1 cup blueberries

1 cup raspberries


STEP 1: Blend the milk, sweetener, vanilla, and matcha together in a blender till smooth.

STEP 2: Pour the liquid over the chia seeds. Stir thoroughly.

Stir every few minutes for next fifteen minutes.

Allow mixture to sit for at least an hour or overnight in fridge.

STEP 3: Stir mixture once more and serve with fresh berries.

There’s enough fat shredding power to shed pounds with great tasting foods.

Let everyone know what you think…

Ultra Fast Fat Shredding Recipes